Standard/Specific Method

Business objects and business object components can have the following types of methods:

  • Standard

    Standard methods can be generated because their behavior is generic for all business objects. You cannot modify the properties of a standard method.

    The following standard methods exist:

    • Create Create a business object or component.
    • Change Change a business object or component. The change actually is a change of the attribute values.
    • Delete Delete a business object or component.
    • Show Show a business object or component by returning the attribute values.
    • List Show multiple business objects.
    • CreateRef Create a record in the reference table, which indicates that an external application has a reference to the business object. As long as references exists, the business object cannot be deleted by LN.
    • DeleteRef Delete a record in the reference table.
    • PublishList Publish multiple business objects. For details, refer to "Event Publishing Overview" in the Web Help of the Data Director (da) package.
    • PublishChanges Publish all changes made to business objects. For details, refer to "Event Publishing Overview" in the Web Help of the Data Director (da) package.
    • UnpublishChanges Stop publishing of all changes made to business objects. For details, refer to "Event Publishing Overview" in the Web Help of the Data Director (da) package.
  • Specific

    Specific methods cannot be generated automatically: the essence of a specific method is that its behavior is business object specific. Therefore specific methods must be programmed manually. You can define the name, return type, arguments and arguments properties of a specific method.