To use the Report Viewer (OP)

The Report Viewer is used to display session-based and query-based reports.


In the Report Viewer you can perform the following actions:

  • Navigate through the report data.
  • Export report data.
  • Print the report.

For details, refer to the descriptions of the toolbar buttons.

Toolbar buttons

The following toolbar buttons are available.

[...]Export dataStarts the Export Data dialog, where you can select report columns and meta data, such as layout names and data types, to be exported. The data is exported in csv (Comma Separated Values) format. You can store the data in a file or view it directly, for example in MS Excel.
[...]Export report

Starts the Export Report dialog, where you can select the following:

  • The output format: Excel, PostScript, PDF, Word, or PowerPoint.
  • The pages to export.
  • The report size.

You can store the data in a file or view it directly.

[...]Print report

Starts the Print Report dialog, where you can select the following:

  • The output format: HTML or PDF.
  • The report size (only for PDF).
  • The pages to export.

The output is displayed in a print preview window. If you selected HTML, you are automatically prompted to select a printer. If you selected PDF, click Print to print the output.

[...]First pageNavigates to the first page.
[...]Previous pageNavigates to the previous page.
[...]Next pageNavigates to the next page.
[...]Last pageNavigates to the last page.
[...]Go toNavigates to the page specified in the Go to page field.