Creating TAT Document for a Service Contract

The TAT Document created for a service contract is configuration line is considered for the service contract. A TAT Document is created for the configuration line based on:

  • The business partner specified for the service contract in the Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000) session.
  • The Item and Serial Number specified in the Service Contract Configuration (tsctm1610m300) session.

For new configuration lines (of service contract), LN creates a TAT Document only if applicable term is available in the Turnaround Time Terms (tcttm0110m000) session. Else, the configuration line is created without the TAT Document and a warning message is displayed.

For the existing configuration lines that do not have a TAT Document linked, you can use the Create Turnaround Time Document option in the Service Contract Configuration (tsctm1610m300) session to create the Document. This option is enabled only for the configuration lines linked to the contract quote with the status, Free.

When a contract is created from a quote, the TAT Document data of the contract quote is copied to the new TAT Document that is created for the service contract.