Recalculation of sales price and linking of a contract on service order

If the pricing data on the Service Order/Service Order Activities is modified, the sales price must be recalculated. You can also link/unlink a service contract with pricing terms to the Service Order.

Recalculation based on data changes

The Sales Price and Sales Amounts defined in the cost line (material, labour and, other cost) or in the Service Order Fixed Prices (tssoc2115m000) session are based on the Pricing Contract, Pricing Contract Change and the Pricing Contract Line fields in the Service Order Activities (tssoc2110m000) session and the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session. If the value of these fields is changed, the Sales Price and the Sales Amounts must be recalculated using the Recalculate Price/Discounts Entire Order option in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session and Recalculate Price/Discounts Entire Activity option in the Service Order Activities (tssoc2110m000) session .

  • Pricing Method - If you change the value of the Pricing Method field to Fixed Order Price in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session and to Fixed Activity Price in the Service Order Activities (tssoc2110m000) session, LN generates a service order fixed price line in the Service Order Fixed Prices (tssoc2115m000) session. The sales price and the discount amount of the related cost lines must be recalculated.
  • Cost Line Price - If the Sales Price is modified on the cost line (material, labour and, other cost), LN sets the Price Origin field to Manual. If you use the Recalculate Price/Discounts Entire Order option in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session, the Sales Price is defaulted from the service contract, if a pricing contract is present, and LN sets the Price Origin field to Service Contract. If no pricing contract is present the default sales price is retrieved and LN sets the Price Origin field to Other.
  • Change of Activity Line of a Cost Line - You can move Cost Lines manually by changing the activity line to another activity. Because the pricing method or the service contract linked to the Cost Line can be modified, the sales price and the discount amount of the related cost lines must be recalculated.
  • If the Use Prices in Service Contracts check box in the Contract Management Parameters (tsctm0100m000) session is selected, you cannot change the activity line number of a consolidated travel line.
  • Travel cost can be defaulted from a contract.
Manual Recalculation
  • Cost Line Price - You can use the Recalculate Cost Line Price option in the cost line sessions to retrieve the default Sales Price and Price Origin for the cost lines. Note: When you use the Recalculate Cost Line Price option in the Service Order Actual Material Costs (tssoc2121m000) session, the Discount Amount must also be recalculated.
  • Fixed Price Line Price - You can use the Reprice option in the Service Order Fixed Prices (tssoc2115m000) session to retrieve the default Sales Price and Price Origin.
  • Recalculate Price Entire Order / Activity - You can use the Recalculate Price/Discounts Entire Order option in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session and Recalculate Price/Discounts Entire Activity option in the Service Order Activities (tssoc2110m000) session to recalculate prices of an entire order or an activity. The Price and Discount Recalculation (tssoc2240m000) session opens. Use this session to retrieve the default price and price origin of all the related cost lines and fixed price lines. You can select the Overwrite Manual Price check box in this session to overwrite the manually modified sales price with the default sales price defined for the service contract.
Manual Price Change
  • Fixed Repair Price of Activity Line - If the value of the Pricing Method field is manually set to Fixed Activity Price in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session LN sets the value of the Price Origin field to Manual in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session. The Contract Ignored check box in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session indicates if a valid fixed price contract exists for the activity line and the contract is unlinked or the price is manually overwritten.
  • Cost Line Price - If you manually change the Sales Price on the cost lines, LN sets the value of the Price Origin field to Manual in the cost lines sessions. The Contract Ignored check box in the cost lines session indicates if a valid fixed price contract exist for the activity line and the contract is unlinked or the price is manually overwritten. You can use the Recalculate Cost Line Price option in the cost line sessions to retrieve the default Sales Price and Price Origin for the cost lines.

The Contract Ignored check box is visible only if the Use Prices in Service Contracts check box is selected in the Contract Management Parameters (tsctm0100m000) session.

Unlink and Link Pricing Contract

Click Link / Unlink Contract in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session to link or unlink a service contract with pricing terms to a service order activity lines. If a contract is linked to a service order activity lines, LN populates the Pricing Contract, Pricing Contract Change and the Pricing Contract Line fields in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session. The contract can be a Time and Material contract or Fixed Repair Price contract. For more information on pricing contract, refer to Contract Terms for Service Contract and Service Contract Quotation. When you link or unlink a pricing contract, the related cost lines and fixed prices are recalculated. If a contract is linked, the pricing method must be changed as defined in pricing contract.

If the Contract Ignored check box is selected/cleared in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session, the following are the possible scenarios:

  • If this check box is selected and Pricing Contract, Pricing Contract Change Number and the Pricing Contract Line fields in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session are specified, a valid service contract is linked and the sales price of the service contract is overruled.
  • If this check box is selected and Pricing Contract, Pricing Contract Change Number and the Pricing Contract Line fields in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session are not specified, a service contract is not linked.
  • If this check box is not selected and Pricing Contract, Pricing Contract Change Number and the Pricing Contract Line fields in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session are specified, a valid service contract exists, and pricing terms data is used.
  • If this check box is not selected and Pricing Contract, Pricing Contract Change Number and the Pricing Contract Line fields in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session are not specified, a valid service contract does not exist.
  • The Link / Unlink Contract option is disabled only if pricing contract data does not exist and the call status cannot be modified.
  • The Contract Ignored check box is visible only if the Use Prices in Service Contracts check box is selected in the Contract Management Parameters (tsctm0100m000) session.