Priority Rule

If more than one resource is identified for a planning group, the resources are prioritized based on priority rules. Set the Proposed Priority fields in the Resource Planning Parameters (tsspc0101m000) session.

LN ranks the proposed resources based on the priority rules. The ranking or the prioritization enables LN to automatically allocate the resource with the highest ranking. If the Automatically highest priority check box, in the Resource Planning Parameters (tsspc0101m000) session is selected, LN allocates the resources with the highest priority. If this check box is cleared, you must manually allocate the resources.

The defined rules:

1Is not allocated to other Planning Groups
2Has all Planning Group attribute values
3Has all required skills
4Has all preferred skills
5Has Planning Group with earliest finished activity


LN checks all the rules and ranks for the proposed resources of a group. For example, if the first rule is applicable, the resource gets 24 (= 16) points. If the second rule is applicable, the resource gets 23 (= 8) points. If the rule three is applicable, the resource gets 22 (= 4) points. If the rule four is applicable, the resource gets 21 (= 2) points. If the rule five is applicable, the resource gets 20 (= 1) points. The resources have the same priority only if the same rules are applicable.

Resource A: If only rule 1 is applicable, this resource gets 16 points.

Resource B: If only rule 2, 3 and 4 are applicable, this resource gets 8 + 4 + 2 = 14 points.

Resource C: If only rule 1 and 5 are applicable, this resource gets 16 + 1 = 17 points.

Therefore, resource C gets the highest priority.

When resources are sorted on priority, the highest priority is displayed as the last record. To list the resource with highest priority as the first record, LN recalculates the priority based on the formula:

priority = 32-priority

After the recalculation the priority for the resources is:

Resource A: If only rule 1 is applicable, the resource gets 16 points. Priority = 32 – 16 = 16.

Resource B: If only rule 2, 3 and 4 are applicable, the resource gets 14 points. Priority = 32 – 14 = 18.

Resource C: If only rule 1 and 5 are applicable, the resource gets 17 points. Priority = 32 – 17 = 15.

Description of the Priority Rules: