To use templates in contract management

Templates for service contracts and service-contract quotations are prepared in advance. You can use the templates to save time as you need not retype similar information.

Templates are generic and can be made specific to the item with a definition of price per period. These templates are not specific to customers and do not have specific Installations, but the templates themselves are specific to items.

Contract templates provide an easy, predefined way to copy terms and agreements into contracts. You can define coverage terms, and cost terms within each template and copy these into the respective Installations. You can also set the effective dates for the templates to ensure that you always use the most recent templates.

You can link templates with items while you define the item price lists. The templates contain the price defined on each template as the suggested or the defaulted price information is always used in the service contracts.

Templates for service contracts and service-contract quotations are prepared in advance. You can use the templates to save time as you need not type similar information repeatedly.

In Service, you can use the following templates: