To print contract quotation documents

When you print service-contract quotations, you can print the following:

  • Alist of service-contract quotations.
  • Documents that must be sent to the business partner.
  • Print a copy for internal review.
Print a list of quotations

Use the Print Contract Quotes (tsctm2401m000) session.

Print the documents that must be sent to the business partner

Use the Print Contract Quote Documents (tsctm2400m000) session, with the Print What field set to External Document. The status of the service contract quotation changes to Printed. After you set the status of the service contract quotation to Printed, the details are fixed and you cannot make any further changes to the service-contract quotation.

Reprint the external document

Use the Print Contract Quote Documents (tsctm2400m000) session, with the Print What field set to Reprint (External). The status of the service contract quotation remains unchanged.


Use the Options tab to specify:

  • If the technical attachments must be printed.
  • The currency in which the sales amounts must be printed.
Print a copy for internal review

To print a copy of a document that is sent to the business partner for internal use, use the Print Contract Quote Documents (tsctm2400m000) session with the Print What field set to Internal Document. The status of the service contract quotation remains unchanged.

You can use the Internal Document for various uses. For example:

  • The service contract quotation can receive separate financial approval before LN prints the final documents.
  • You can make changes to the service-contract quotation details after review.

Use the Options tab to specify:

  • If the coverage attachments must be printed (internal document only)
  • If the technical attachments must be printed
  • The currency in which the sales amounts must be printed