Project Budget Parameters (tpptc0100s000)

Use this session to define the parameters for use in the Budgeting of Project. There are two sets of parameters:

  • For general use in Budgeting.
  • Especially for cost analysis.

Budget cost analysis enables you to report on the details of a selected project budget. If you want to use the budget cost analysis, you can enter a default code in this session.


Introduction Date

The date and time that the parameters are valid. The parameters are valid up to the effective date of a more recent parameter setting.


The description of the parameter set. For example, the reason why the previous setting was changed.

Unit of Measure

The default unit for material dimensions. You must select a unit of the Length type.

This is used in Budgeting as a unit for the length and width.

Log History of Budget

If this check box is selected, the budget line history is kept for:


LN checks whether this check box is selected when running the Generate Control Data (tpptc1230m000) session. The date this check box was selected must then be earlier than the run date, otherwise the data used in the Generate Control run can be corrupted.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Project history.

Purchase Budget
Automatically Generate Detail Lines

Indicates whether or not purchase budget lines are created from the current budget.

If this check box is selected, the following applies: If you maintain budget parts in the Purchase Budget Part (tpptc4110s000) session, LN prompts you to create budget purchase lines. If you answer Yes, the lines are created in the Purchase-Budget Detail Line (tpptc4120s000) session.

If this check box is cleared, no detail lines of budget parts are created if you maintain budget parts.

Purchase Budget > 100% Allowed

If this check box is selected, you can use more than 100% of a budget line amount in the purchase budget.

Service Budget
Allow changes for Service Related Budget Lines

If this check box is selected, the quantity, unit, rate/price and the budget date fields can be modified on Activity Budget Lines that are linked to Service, only if the budget lines are not transferred to Service.

Use Matching Task Codes

If this check box is selected, Infor LN checks for the identical task codes in Project and Service. If existing, the task code is used without a mapping in Project and Service.


If this check box is selected, a text is present.

Cost Analysis
Budget Status

If this check box is selected, budget lines with this status are included in the budget-cost analysis.

The value you select here is the default value for the Budget with Status Free field in the Generate Budget Cost Analysis (tpptc3200m000) session.


If this check box is selected, budget lines with this status are included in the control data that is created with the Generate Control Data (tpptc1230m000)


If this check box is selected, budget lines with this status are included in the budget-cost analysis session.

The value you select here is the default value for the Budget with Status Final field in the Generate Budget Cost Analysis (tpptc3200m000) session.


If this check box is selected, budget lines with this status are included in the control data that is created with the Generate Control Data (tpptc1230m000) session.

Default Budget Cost Analysis Version

The budget-cost analysis version code entered here is the default value for the Budget Cost Analysis Version field in the Generate Budget Cost Analysis (tpptc3200m000) session.


To run the Budget Cost Analysis Versions (tpptc3500m000), the Default Budget Cost Analysis Version field in the Project Budget Parameters (tpptc0100s000) session must be specified.