Generate Interim Results (tpppc3250m000)

Use this session to generate interim results for the project, contract, or contract line data specified in the cost, commitments, and cost forecasts sessions and the anticipated revenues and revenue forecast sessions. You can generate interim results by either contract or project, but not simultaneously.

For every interim revenue recognition and COGS method, Infor LN uses the historical currency rates of the data used to calculate the interim results. Effectively, the interim results and the registered revenues and costs are similar at all home currency levels. This is applicable for the specified company only if, in the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session:

  • The Currency System field is set to Standard.
  • The Use Multiple Functional Currencies check box is selected.

When calculating interim results:

  • If the Base for Performance Obligation is set to Transaction Price in the Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000) session, the transaction price is used as the base to calculate the interim result.
  • The transaction price is used, when the Percentage of Completion check box is selected in the Revenue Recognition Method group box, and the Percentage of Completion and Profit Percentage check boxes are selected in the Costs of Goods Sold Method group box.

When a project is linked to multiple Contract Lines (CLINs), the Transaction Price is used as the base to calculate interim result. (one of the CLIN's Base for Performance Obligation must be set to Transaction Price.)

The Transaction Price (when applicable) is used to determine if there is a profit or loss and also used to determine the maximum expected revenue.

Two interim results are generated:

  • The interim cost result.
  • The interim revenue result.

You can select the revenue recognition and cost of goods sold methods to generate the financial interim results.

  • All the Costs, Commitments check boxes and the Forecast check box for the labor cost type are enabled only when the COGS method Reimbursement is selected.
  • The Revenues, Forecast and Expected Revenues check boxes are enabled only when the revenue recognition method Actual Revenues is selected.


Selection Range
Calculate for

The method used to calculate the revenues.

Allowed values

  • Project: The revenue recognition settings are defined at the project level.
  • Contract: The revenue recognition settings are defined at the contract level.

To calculate interim results, following conditions are applicable:

  • You cannot generate results for contracts or projects, simultaneously.
  • Extensions are not applicable when you generate interim results by contract.
  • You can only generate interim results for a contract line, when the same is linked to a project. However, the project must not be linked to multiple contract lines.
  • Interim results balances are not possible for extensions. In case extensions are defined for a project, the interim results balance is calculated at project level.

The From and To fields define a range of:: contracts for which the interim result is generated.


This field is enabled only when the Contract option is selected.

Contract Line

The From and To fields define a range of:: contract lines for which the interim result is generated.


This field is enabled only when the Contract option is selected.


The From and To fields define a range of:: projects for which the interim result is generated.


This field is enabled only when the Project option is selected.


The From and To fields define a range of:: extensions for which the interim result is generated. This field is enabled only when the Project option is selected.


Extensions are not applicable when you generate interim results by contract.

Cost Control Period

The From and To fields define a range of:: cost control years for which the interim result is generated.


The From and To fields define a range of:: cost control periods for which the interim result is generated.

Fiscal Period

The From and To fields define a range of:: fiscal years for which the interim result is generated.


The From and To fields define a range of:: fiscal periods for which the interim result is generated.

Generate Result Types

If this check box is selected, you can generate the financial result of the type Revenue.

Financial Result Revenue

The interim result type to which the revenues of the interim result are posted. The Result Type field in the Financial Result Types (tppdm1155m000) session must be Revenue.


The field is enabled only when you select one or more revenue recognition methods.


The description or name of the code.


If this check box is selected, you can generate the financial result of the type Cost.

Financial Result Cost

The interim result type to which the costs of the interim result are posted. The Result Type field in the Financial Result Types (tppdm1155m000) session must be Cost.


The field is enabled only when you select one or all COGS calculation methods.


The description or name of the code.


If this check box is selected, you can specify the financial result of the type Balances. LN calculates the balance using the following formula:

Balance = (Actual Revenue - Recognized Revenue) + (Recognized Cost of Sales - Actual Costs)
  • To enable this check box you must select the Revenues and the Costs options.
  • The check box is disabled when an Extension is specified for the project.
Revenue Recognition Method
Percentage of Completion

If this check box is selected, LN uses the Percentage of Completion Method (RR) for revenue recognition.


If this check box is selected, LN uses the Milestone Method for revenue recognition.


If this check box is selected, LN uses the Reimbursement Contract Method for revenue recognition.

Earned Revenue Factor

If this check box is selected, LN uses the Earned Revenue Factor Method for revenue recognition.

Actual Revenues

If this check box is selected, LN uses the Actual Revenue Method for revenue recognition, based on the revenue amount.


The Revenue Recognition Method group box is enabled only when you select the Revenues check box.

Costs of Goods Sold Method
Percentage of Completion

If this check box is selected, LN uses the Percentage of Completion method to calculate the cost of goods sold.

Profit Percentage

If this check box is selected, LN uses the Profit Percentage method to calculate the cost of goods sold.


If this check box is selected, LN uses the Reimbursement Contract Method to calculate the cost of goods sold.


The Costs of Goods Sold Method group box is enabled only when you select the Costs check box.

Registration Date

The date when the interim result is generated.

Post to Cost Control Period

The year to which the interim result data is posted.


The period to which the interim result data is posted.

Post to Fiscal Period

The year to which the interim result data is posted.


The Period to which the interim result data is posted.

Selection of Cost Types

If this check box is selected, material costs defined in the Material Costs (tpppc2111m000) session are included to generate the interim results.

  • By default, the check box is disabled and checked.
  • The check box is enabled only when you select the Reimbursement method to calculate COGS.

If this check box is selected, labor costs defined in the Labor Costs (tpppc2131m000) included to generate the interim results.

  • By default, the check box is disabled and checked.
  • The check box is enabled only when you select the Reimbursement method to calculate COGS.

If this check box is selected, equipment costs defined in the Equipment Cost (tpppc2151m000) session are included to generate the interim results.

  • By default, the check box is disabled and checked.
  • The check box is enabled only when you select the Reimbursement method to calculate COGS.

If this check box is selected, subcontracting costs defined in the Subcontracting Costs (tpppc2171m000) session are included to generate the interim results.

  • By default, the check box is disabled and checked.
  • The check box is enabled only when you select the Reimbursement method to calculate COGS.

If this check box is selected, sundry costs defined in the Sundry Costs (tpppc2191m000) session are included to generate the interim results.

  • By default, the check box is disabled and checked.
  • The check box is enabled only when you select the Reimbursement method to calculate COGS.

If this check box is selected, overhead costs are included to generate the interim results.

  • By default, the check box is disabled and checked.
  • The check box is enabled only when you select the Reimbursement method to calculate COGS.

If this check box is selected, material commitments defined in the Commitment Entry (Material) (tpppc2510m000) session are included to generate the interim results.

  • By default, the check box is disabled and checked.
  • The check box is enabled only when you select the Reimbursement method to calculate COGS.

If this check box is selected, equipment commitments defined in the Commitment Entry (Equipment) (tpppc2550m000) session are included to generate the interim results.

  • By default, the check box is disabled and checked.
  • The check box is enabled only when you select the Reimbursement method to calculate COGS.

If this check box is selected, subcontracting commitments defined in the Commitment Entry (Subcontracting) (tpppc2570m000) session are included to generate the interim results.

  • By default, the check box is disabled and checked.
  • The check box is enabled only when you select the Reimbursement method to calculate COGS.

If this check box is selected, sundry commitments defined in the Commitment Entry (Sundry Cost) (tpppc2590m000) session are included to generate the interim results.

  • By default, the check box is disabled and checked.
  • The check box is enabled only when you select the Reimbursement method to calculate COGS.

If this check box is selected, forecasted material costs defined in the Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000) session are included to generate the interim results.

  • By default, the check box is disabled and checked.
  • You can select this check box only if you uncheck the Commitments check box for the material cost type.

If this check box is selected, forecasted labor costs defined in the Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000) session are included to generate the interim results.

  • By default, the check box is disabled and checked.
  • The check box is enabled only when you select the Reimbursement method to calculate COGS.

If this check box is selected, forecasted equipment costs defined in the Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000) session are included to generate the interim results.

  • By default, the check box is disabled and checked.
  • You can select this check box only if you uncheck the Commitments check box for the equipment cost type.

If this check box is selected, forecasted subcontracting costs defined in the Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000) session are included to generate the interim results.

  • By default, the check box is disabled and checked.
  • You can select this check box only if you uncheck the Commitments check box for the material cost type.

If this check box is selected, forecasted sundry costs defined in the Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000) session are included to generate the interim results.

  • By default, the check box is disabled and checked.
  • You can select this check box only if you uncheck the Commitments check box for the material cost type.

If this check box is selected, the forecasted overhead costs defined in the Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000) session, are considered while generating the interim results.

Selection of Revenue Types

If this check box is selected, revenues specified in the Revenues (tpppc3101s000) are included in the generation of interim results.

Expected Revenues

If this check box is selected, the expected revenues are included in the generation of interim results.


If this check box is selected, the forecasted revenues are included in the generation of interim results.

Settle previous Financial Result

If this check box is selected, the previous financial results are settled. LN generates interim result for the remaining data.

Aggregate by Project/Extension

If this check box is selected, LN aggregates the revenue recognition and costs of goods sold at project or extension level.


If this check box is cleared, LN generates results at the element or activity level, wherever possible.

Skip Lines with empty Amounts

If this check box is selected, LN skips lines with empty amounts at project, extension, element or activity level, when generating the interim results.

Include Advance Payments in Revenue

If this check box is selected, LN includes the advance payments in revenue.

Primary Interim Results

If this check box is selected, interim result for the primary scenario is generated.


By default, this check box is selected.

Alternate Interim Results

If this check box is selected, interim result for the alternate scenario is generated.



Generates interim results based on the specified data.