Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000)

Use this session to maintain parameters, including control periods and work in progress settings, for general use in the Project Progress module. You must define these parameters before you register costs and revenues elsewhere in the Project Progress module.


Introduction Date

The introduction date.


The date and time that the parameters are valid. The parameters are valid up to the effective date of a more recent parameter setting.

Costs and Commitments
Type of Hard Commitment

This field determines whether hard commitments, in the total costs, are added to actual costs or to commitments in:

  • Monitoring
  • Project Progress
  • Soft commitments are always booked as commitments in Cost Control.
  • Costs are always booked as costs in Cost Control.
  • For the actual cost or commitments in Cost Control, LN uses history postings that are posted to Financials.
Use Commitments as Basis for Forecast

This check box and the value of the Type of Hard Commitment field determine whether commitments are included in the costs while performing a cost forecast.

Hard commitments are based on purchase receipts and soft commitments on purchase orders. Hard commitments can be regarded as actual costs, because only the purchase invoice must be received and processed.

If this check box is selected, the value of the parameters is:

Type of hard commitmentHard commitment includedSoft commitment included


If this check box is cleared, the value of the parameters is:

Type of hard commitmentHard commitment includedSoft commitment included


Include Soft Commitments in Earned Value

Indicates that the soft commitment is included in the cost control while calculating the earned value amount.

  • By default, this checkbox is selected. However, you can modify this value.
  • If you modify this value, you must recalculate the actual cost control data in the Build Actual Cost Control (tpppc4803m000) session with the Net Change Run checkbox cleared.
  • This option considers the calculation of the earned value amount only if the cost transaction is linked to:
    • A Contract Type set to Cost Reimbursement or Time & Materials in the Contract (tpctm1600m000) session.
    • An extension with the Invoice Calculation Method set to Actual Costs and the Extension Type set to other than Quantities to be Settled in the Budgeted Extension Costs (tpptc3525m000) session.
Leading Forecast Method

Determines where you can manually enter your forecast.


Your budget is one hundred euros, your actual costs are now sixty euros and you estimate your final budget will be a hundred-and-ten euros.

EEC: final budget - budget = 110 - 100 = 10

EAC: estimated final budget

ETC: final budget - actual costs = 110 - 60 = 50

Cost Component for Cost Plus Invoicing from Revenue

If this check box is selected, the cost component that you linked to the revenue code is used for the revenue transactions. This enables you to define an integration mapping scheme for revenue-based cost components.


If this check box is cleared, the project cost component is used as the cost component for revenue transactions. The actual revenue cost component code is ignored.

Post Project Hours Transactions
Post Project Hours Transactions

Post Project Hours Transactions

  • Detailed by Calendar Day

    A cost transaction for each project, element, activity, task, and calendar day (based on the project hours specified in People) is created.

  • Aggregated

    The cost transactions are aggregated based on the cost control period, cost rate, surcharge percentage, and the related text. However, the aggregate value can be modified, for example, based on a text linked to a specific date or split in the (financial) period.

Default value



The Aggregated option is not applicable for intercompany trade hours.

Post Interim Results
Post Interim Results

The type of interim financial results that is used for the Project Progress module.

Allowed values

  • Interim Revenue and Cost: The financial result for the transactions associated with revenue and costs.
  • Balance: The financial result for the transactions associated with the balance costs.
  • Interim Revenue, Cost and Balance: The financial result for the transactions associated with the revenue, costs and balance.
Post Completion Transactions Internal Project
Post Completion Transactions Internal Project
Post Completion Transactions Capital Project
Post Completion Transactions Capital Project
Physical Progress
Physical Progress > 100% Allowed

If this check box is selected, you can enter a progress more than 100%. In other words, in this situation the actual quantity can exceed the budgeted quantity.

If this check box is cleared, the actual quantity cannot exceed the budgeted quantity, the maximum percentage remains 100% .

Physical Progress Labor based on Hours

If this check box is selected, progress is based on the budgeted number of hours. Otherwise, progress is based on the budgeted number of units.

Convert to Unit of Control Code

If this check box is selected, the quantities of cost objects are converted to the unit of the corresponding control code when you register progress and monitor projects.

Additional Information
Additional Tax Info

Data that is used in addition to the import/export data and that can be linked to order types.


This data is required by some European Union member states.

Additional Info Set

Data that is used in addition to the import/export data and that can be liked to order types.


This data is required by some European Union member states.

Default Employee

The default employee code to which the cost is aggregated in Project, when using the cost component mapping and the employee code is not available in the source transaction. For example, the cost of machine hours is mapped to cost type Labor. Labor cost is used to check for an employee code in the source transaction. If the employee code is not available on the Shop floor transaction, the default employee code is used.

Field Service Integration
Default Item

The default service item in Project when the service order is manually linked to the project.


The description or name of the code.

Default Task

The default cost object code to which the cost is aggregated in Project when the service order is manually linked to the project.


The description or name of the code.

Default Equipment

The default cost object code to which the cost is aggregated in Project when the service order is manually linked to the project.


The description or name of the code.

Default Subcontracting

The default cost object code to which the cost is aggregated in Project when the service order is manually linked to the project.


The description or name of the code.

Default Sundry Cost

The default cost object code to which the cost is aggregated in Project when the service order is manually linked to the project.


The description or name of the code.

Default Travel

The default code to which the travel costs are aggregated in Project when the service order is manually linked to the project.

Default Freight

The default code to which the freight costs are aggregated in Project when the service order is manually linked to the project.

Default Helpdesk

The default code to which the help desk support related costs are aggregated in Project when the service order is manually linked to the project.


If this check box is selected, a text is present.

Control Period
Actual Cost Control Period
Period Table

The default period code to be used for the cost-control periods. Choose a period with the Gaps Allowed between Years check box cleared, because Project does not work with this option.

Allowed values

You can use one of these options to specify the actual cost control period:

  • Specific: You can specify a specific year and period.
  • Current: The current year and period are displayed.
  • Previous: The previous period is displayed (For example, if the current period is April(4), previous period is displayed as March(3)).

The actual cost-control period consists of the default period code value and the values from the Actual Cost Control Period group box. This actual cost control period is used as the default cost-control period for processing transactions.

This field must be specified with a code before you start the project and must not be modified while projects are being run. If the Period table is changed, you will miss all the cost information and revenue information that pertains to a certain period of the former Period table.

You can use one of these options to specify the period:

Period for Actual Cost Control

The year for the actual cost-control period.

This value is shown as a default value on the cost control print reports and in the Build Actual Cost Control (tpppc4803m000) session.

Period for Actual Cost Control

The period you must specify for the specified year.

This value is shown as a default value on the cost control print reports and in the Build Actual Cost Control (tpppc4803m000) session.

Start Date/Finish Date

The dates on which the hours control period starts and ends. These dates are determined from the Period field.


The dates on which the cost-control period starts and ends. These dates are determined from the Period field.

Actual Hours Control Period
Period Table

The default period code to be used for the hours control period.

The actual hours control period consists of the default period code value and the values from the Period field. This default period code value is used as the default hours control period for processing costs.

This field must be filled with a code before you start the project and must not be modified during the execution of projects. If the Period table is changed then you will miss all the cost and revenue information pertaining to a certain period of the former Period table.


The year number that, together with the period number, identifies the actual hours control period. The year and period is shown as a default value on hours control print reports. The hours control period is used as hours are mostly entered in a period different from the current period.

Actual Hours Control Period

The year number that, together with the period number, identifies the actual hours control period. The year and period is shown as a default value on hours control print reports.

Fiscal Period Table
Period Table

The code period table to be used for the fiscal period.

Work in Progress
WIP Formula Monitoring
Contract Amount in WIP

Indicates how, if at all, the contract amount is a factor in calculating the work in progress.

Costs in WIP

Indicates how, if at all, costs are a factor in calculating the work in progress.

Project Inventory in Costs

If this check box is selected, history postings of type Hard Commitment (Wareh.) are included in the commitments in Cost Control.

Commitments in WIP

If this check box is selected, commitments will be calculated as part of work in progress.

Sales Value Surcharge Costs in WIP

If this check box is selected, the cost amount that is part of WIP will be increased by the surcharge percentage as defined for the project in the WIP Sales Value Surcharge field of the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session. This surcharge is applied to the costs and, if required, to the commitments.

If this check box is cleared, the surcharge will not be considered.

Include PCS WIP

Indicates how, if at all, PCS project work in progress costs are included on the Project and the Material cost type level.

Allowed values

  • Do not Include
  • In Soft Commitment
  • In Hard Commitment
Revenues in WIP

Indicates how, if at all, revenues are a factor in calculating work in process.

Interim Result in WIP

Indicates whether the interim result is a factor in calculating work in progress.

Extra WIP Entry in Finance

If this check box is selected, an invoice is posted to an interim account in Financials instead of directly to a work in process account. After processing the transaction in Financials, an entry is created in one of the accounts defined in Project, and the work in process account is charged for the relevant amounts.

Total Paid/Received Amount to Include Anticipated Amount

If this check box is selected, anticipated payments and anticipated receipts are included in the total paid/received amount.