Generating service orders for Project

Service orders are generated in Project, based on the budget lines created based on the reference activity linked to the project activity. To generate service orders, the project must have the status Free or Active. You can generate service orders using the Generate Service Orders (tppss6250m000) session.

You can generate service orders only for the budget lines:

  • LN runs the Generate Budget from Reference Activity (tpptc2250m000) session.
  • The budget line start date is lower than the current date + the time fence. For the activity budget lines, if the budget line start date is not specified, the activity start date is considered.
  • The budget lines for which control data is generated.


    This condition is applicable only for projects budgeted and controlled by activity.

You cannot generate service orders for these budget lines:

  • The element budget lines (for projects budgeted by element and controlled by element)
  • The activity budget lines (for projects budgeted by element and controlled by activity) linked to the element

In the Generate Service Orders (tppss6250m000) session, you select the projects and activities for which service orders must be generated.

  • Time Fence for Service Orders
    Specify the time period. The time fence is used to select the budget lines with the start date lower than the current date + the time fence.