To use estimate structures

Estimate-version structures are used to order or to classify the estimate. Multiple estimate-version structures enable you to create different classifications of the estimate data.

For example, you create an estimate to build a ship for a customer. The estimate has an element-based primary structure that must contain the unit costs for the bid, and an additional sort structure with the planned activities for building the ship. The estimate depends on the data listed in the Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000) session. In this case, the estimate lines for the cost of the element and work planning are linked to an additional activity structure.

The following views enable you to sort the activity lines:

  • by Project.
  • Version, Estimating.
  • Sorting Structural Element; if the sort structure code in the Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000) session and the code of the additional activity structure are the same, you can sort the activity lines.

To create an estimate-version structure:

  • 1. Create a structure for the estimate version.
  • 2. Select the structure.
  • 3. In the Generate Structural Elements (tpest1220m000) session, create the structural element or generate elements from an existing project structure.
  • 4. Link the generated structures to the estimate version.

If your estimate-version structure is not user-defined, you can only add structural elements to the estimate-version structure in the project-related-structure session, for example, the Activities (tppss2100m000) session. Enter a new structural element and run the Generate Structural Elements (tpest1220m000) session again. Your estimate-version structure is updated.

Structures are important when you launch the estimate to a budget.

You can use the following structure types for launching:

  • Activity
  • Element
  • Only the Activity structure type contains scheduling functionality that you can use in the estimate process.
  • You cannot use more than one structure of the same type.
  • You cannot use a user-defined structure, because these structures are not project related, and are not used to launch an estimate to a budget.

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