Using advance payments

Advance payment requests are amounts requested of the business partner before or after the project starts. You can use these amounts to buy, for example, project material.

Advance payments can be made for all the invoice types. The advance must be linked to one of the contract lines. You can link an advance to an element or activity. If the invoice type of a contract line is Installment, you can also link the advance to the installment. You can use this installment to settle the advance. If the advance is not linked to an installment, you can settle the advance in the next invoice or define a liquidation percentage for the contract line.

To maintain an advance, you must select a revenue code from the Standard Revenues (tppdm0515m000) session. The advance payments are transferred to Invoicing by the application.

Posting advance payments:

  • When you post an advance payment request record, LN creates a revenue record.
  • When the advance line is printed and posted to Financials using the Compose/Print/Post Invoices (cisli2200m000) session, the invoice number is populated in the advance record and in the revenue record.
  • The revenue record is transferred from Invoicing to Invoicing. The application then creates a record in the Revenue Transactions (tpppc3505m000) session.
  • This record is printed using the Compose/Print/Post Invoices (cisli2200m000) session, and posted to Financials using the same session.

The invoice number is defaulted in the revenue record.

LN checks if an advance record is present. You can settle this advance line with a normal line. If an advance line exists, LN adds the record to the Revenue table to counterpost the advance.