Blocking Reasons (tisfc2100m000)

Use this session to to list and maintain blocking reasons.


You cannot delete a blocking reason if it is used in the Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000) session in Quality.

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Blocking Reason

The reason an operation is temporarily not allowed to proceed.

Reasons for blocking are:

  • The quality must be inspected.
  • The equipment has failed.
  • The customer did not pay the last installment.

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Use in QM

If this check box is selected, you can use this blocking reason in Quality.

Blocked for Completion

If this check box is selected, this blocking reason will prevent you from reporting an operation as completed.

Block Quantity Completed

If this check box is selected, this blocking reason will prevent you from entering a quantity in the Completed field in the Report Operations Completed (tisfc0130m000) session.

Block Quantity Rejected

If this check box is selected, this blocking reason will prevent you from entering a quantity in the Rejected field in the Report Operations Completed (tisfc0130m000) session.

Block Quantity to be Inspected

If this check box is selected, this blocking reason will prevent you from entering a quantity in the To Inspect field in the Report Operations Completed (tisfc0130m000) session.