Production Process (tirpt2110m000)

Use this session to view and manage the sequence of work stations, as defined in the work cell, for a production model.


Production Model

A predefined configuration used in repetitive manufacturing that specifies the production method, list of materials, time and capacity required and reporting method.

A production model contains the following:

  • Production process
  • Time and capacity required
  • Production process reporting
  • Materials supply process
  • Item inspection method
  • Required tools

If the Multi-Product Production check box on a production model is selected, a list of products is added to the production model that specifies which items are produced.

  • Production models are revision controlled. A new revision is generated for every change to the existing configuration.
  • The order system must be Planned.
  • Project Control is disabled.
Production Model Revision

The ID of the product model revision.

Work Cell

The work cell ID.

Sequence Number

The number that identifies a data record or a step in a sequence of activities. Sequence numbers are used in many contexts. Usually LN generates the sequence number for the next item or step. Depending on the context, you can overwrite this number.

Work Station

The work station that is part of the work cell.

Point of Usage

The warehouse linked to the work station that holds the materials for the production of the repetitive item.

In Use

If this check box is selected, the work station is currently in use.

Is Count Point

If this check box is selected, the work station is a count point.

Is Inspection Point

If this check box is selected, the work station is an inspection point.


Only applicable if the Report on Work Stations check box in the Production Model (tirpt2100m100) session is selected for the product model.

Sample Frequency

Specify the percentage of repetitive items that is inspected.


Only applicable if the Report on Work Stations check box in the Production Model (tirpt2100m100) session is selected for the product model.