Production Schedules (tirpt1500m000)

Use this session to process production orders for repetitive items, by using production schedules. You can confirm, transfer, and release the orders in this session from the appropriate menu.



The manufactured item for which the production schedule is valid.


The item must be defined in the Item - Production (tiipd0101m000) session, where you must select the Job Shop Production Schedules check box.

Item Period

The year for which the orders are displayed on this tab. These orders concern the manufactured item in the Item field.

The item period displayed in this field is selected by LN from the production schedule linked to the item in the Item - Production (tiipd0101m000) session.

The period shown in the item view (realized by clicking Sort by in the View menu) can be different from the period in the scheduling area view, as you can link different production schedules to scheduling areas than to items.

Start Date

The start and end dates of the period in which the order delivery dates fall.

Delivery Date

The delivery date of the order.

The delivery date is equal to the finish date of the order from which the order originates.

Order Type

The order type specifies the module from which the order originates or from which the order is currently available. If you select an SIC order or a RRP order, and select Prod Order Series for Transferring from the appropriate menu, the order type changes to JSC.

Order Number

The order number of the JSC order.

The order number is a combination of the value that you enter in the Prod Order Series for Transferring field in the Repetitive Manufacturing Parameters (tirpt0100m000) session and the first free number in that series.


The order status.

Quantity Ordered

The order quantity that must be produced. The estimates of materials and hours are based on this order quantity.

Quantity Delivered

The quantity of goods sent to inventory from production.

Quantity Scrapped

The quantity of items that were rejected in production.

Inv. Unit

The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.

Item Schedule

The production schedule that is linked to the item in the Item - Production (tiipd0101m000) session.

Schedule Area

The code of a scheduling area.

Use the routing in the Item - Routings (tirou1101m000) session to link a scheduling area to a repetitive item. All orders with the same scheduling area and routing for a certain period are displayed on this tab.

Related topics

Area Period

The period's time frame for which reporting is performed.


Toggle Show Only Current Schedules

If you click Toggle Show Only Current Schedules, only production orders in the current period are displayed. By clicking again, you can switch from showing only production schedules for the current period, to also showing production schedules for other periods. Whether the default view is of production schedules for the current period or the production schedules for all periods depends on the value of the Show Current Production Schedules Only field in the Repetitive Manufacturing Parameters (tirpt0100m000) session.