Tasks (tirou0103m000)

Use this session to maintain the data pertaining to activities performed in your company.

Task data serves as default data for recording operations in the following modules:

  • Routing
  • Product Configuration

On the appropriate menu you can choose:



An activity to manufacture or repair an item. For example, sawing, drilling, or painting.

A task is carried out on a work center, and can be related to a machine.

Search Key

The search key enables you to quickly retrieve tasks.

By default, LN displays the first 16 characters of the task description. These can be replaced with another text, if desired.

Work Center Selection Method

Select the range of work centers at which the task can be performed.

Select one of the following options:

  • Only Default: select this option if the task can only be performed at the work center you defined in the Default Work Center field.
  • Specific: select this option for all task/work center combinations for which you defined a task relationship in the Task Relationships (tirou0104m000) session. So, if you select this option, you must at least define one task relationship with a work center.
  • All: select this option if the task can be performed at all the work centers defined in the Work Centers (tirou0101m000) session. If the Machine Selection Method field also has the value All, the task can be performed in any work center, and by any machine, as long as you did not define a work center for the machine in the Machines (tirou0102m000) session.
Machine Selection Method

Select the range of machines by which the task can be performed.

Select one of the following options:

  • Only Default: select this option if the task can only be performed by the machine you defined in the Default Machine field.
  • Specific: select this option for all task/machine combinations for which you defined a task relationship in the Task Relationships (tirou0104m000) session. So, if you select this option, you must at least define one task relationship with a machine in the Task Relationships (tirou0104m000) session.
  • All: select this option if the task can be performed by all the machines defined in the Machines (tirou0102m000) session. If the Work Center Selection Method field also has the value All, the task can be performed by any machine, and in any work center, as long as you did not define a work center for the machine in the Machines (tirou0102m000) session.
Default Work Center

The work center where the task is performed by default.

If the Work Center Selection Method field is set to Only Default, you must enter a work center code in this field.

Default Machine

The code of the machine pertaining to the task. If the Machine Selection Method field is Only Default, you must enter a machine code in this field.

Extra Information

Use this field to add extra information about the task.



Starts the Routing Operations (tirou1102m000) session in which you can view the routing operation(s) in which a specific task is used.

Task Relationships

Starts the Task Relationships (tirou0104m000) session in which you can list and maintain relationships between tasks, machines, and work centers.