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Activity Overview (tipcs4503m000)Use this session to display activity data. Note If you have started this session by zooming, you can only find and select a record.
Project A collection of manufacturing and purchasing actions that are performed for a particular customer order. A project is initiated to plan and coordinate the production of the to be manufactured items. For a standard-to-order production, the project is only used to link the item with the customer order. A project can also include these:
Activity The activity in the network planning for a project. Search Key An alternative form of a description used for convenience during searching. Typically, it is an abbreviation, an acronym, or a mnemonic alternative to a full description. Task LN shows the number of the task linked to the activity. Work Center LN shows the code of the work center where the activity must be performed. Activity Manager A person responsible for planning or carrying out a project activity. Activity Estimation This field shows whether or not the estimated costs are calculated for the selected activity. Text This field shows whether or not a text is present. Activity Duration The duration of an activity is the number of (work)days which are planned for that activity. Earliest Start Date The earliest date on which the activity can be started. Use the Generate Network Planning (tipcs4210m000) session to determine this date. Latest Start Date The last date on which the activity can be started. Use the Generate Network Planning (tipcs4210m000) session to determine this date. Earliest End Date The earliest date on which the activity can be completed. Use the Generate Network Planning (tipcs4210m000) session to determine this date. Latest End Date The last date on which the activity can be completed. Use the Generate Network Planning (tipcs4210m000) session to determine this date. TotalFloat The total float of an activity is the maximum time expressed in (working) days in which that activity can be shifted without affecting the planned completion date of the relevant project. The total float time is calculated:
The latest finish date and earliest start date are expressed in project days. Note The corresponding Total Slack field in MS Project is expressed in hours. The conversion is based on the Work Center field and the Basic Day Capacity[Hours] field linked to the specified work center. FreeFloat The free float time between one activity and the next. The free float time indicates how many days the activity can be extended without jeopardizing the progress of other related activities. Note The corresponding Free Slack field in MS Project is expressed in hours. The conversion is based on the Work Center field and the Basic Day Capacity[Hours] field linked to the specified work center. EarliestStart Week The earliest week in which the activity can be started. Year The year of the earliest week in which the activity can be started. LatestStart Week The earliest week in which the activity can be completed. Year The year of the earliest week in which the activity can be completed. EarliestFinish Week The last week in which the activity can be started. Year The year of the last week in which the activity can be started. LatestFinish Week The last week in which the activity can be completed. Year The year of the last week in which the activity can be completed. Desired Start Date The desired start date is the date on which you want to start the relevant activity. This date is only used for information. However, the desired start date is compared to the earliest and latest finish dates and the reference date with the Generate Network Messages (tipcs4211m000) session. This can result in the creation of exception messages. Desired End Date The desired finish date is the date on which you want to stop the relevant activity. This date is only used for information. However, the desired finish date is compared to the earliest and latest finish date and the reference date with the Generate Network Messages (tipcs4211m000) session. This can result in the creation of exception messages. Rough Capacity Requirements The globally required capacity in hours for the execution of the relevant activity. Aggregated Capacity Requirements The aggregated capacity-requirements in hours, depending on the work center where the activity is scheduled to be carried out. The aggregated capacity requirements are calculated in the Aggregate Estimated Capacity to Project (tipcs4201m000) session on the basis of the project structure and the project engineering. You must first link the operations to activities in the customized routing. The aggregated capacity-requirements are only shown for your information and can be used for checking or monitoring the rough planned hours by activity. Available Capacity The available capacity in hours per day for each employee or machine. Based on this capacity, the default duration of an activity is calculated using the appropriate formula. Planning Factor The planning factor indicates how many employees or machines are employed simultaneously for the execution of an activity. This factor is only used to calculate the default duration of the activity on the basis of the global capacity requirements and the available hours per day. Spent Critical Capacity The actual hours spent on the relevant activity. Based on the transaction hours linked to the activity, LN automatically updates this value in the Process Hours and Expenses (bptmm1203m000) session. LN displays the number of hours spent as calculated by the Generate Network Planning (tipcs4210m000) session. Actual Start Date The actual start date for the activity is the date on which its execution was started. The actual start date is filled by LN when transaction hours are processed with the Process Hours and Expenses (bptmm1203m000) session or when a network calculation is executed using the Generate Network Planning (tipcs4210m000). Actual End Date The actual finish date for the activity is the date on which time was LAST spent on or on which the execution of the activity was completed. LN fills the actual finish date, when transaction hours are processed with the Process Hours and Expenses (bptmm1203m000) session, or when a network calculation is executed with the Generate Network Planning (tipcs4210m000) session. You can change this date manually. PercentageCompleted This field shows whether or not the activity is completed.
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