Calculation of Estimated Material and Hour Cost in Repetitive Manufacturing

Estimated material and hour cost are calculated based on the period defined in a work cell cost document. In the cost document interval schedule lines are planned, or active during shifts. The calculation date for the estimates can be any date and time in the cost document period.


Part of the production for schedule line 1 takes place in the cost document interval, 30 units are produced in three shifts. The material and labor costs estimates are calculated, based on standard cost of the produced item.

The estimated costs for schedule line 1 are based only on actual produced quantity that falls in the cost document interval, because all production for schedule line 1 was completed before the calculation date.

Part of the production for schedule line 2 falls in the cost document interval, but production will continue after the cost document interval end. The calculation is performed while a shift is in progress. In the figure, one shift is completed and 2 units reported complete on an active shift before the calculation date. Based on the 12 units completed, the amount of materials and labor cost is estimated, using standard cost as the basis.

The above calculations account for the estimates based on the actual produced quantity. The expected production for the remaining shifts is calculated from the remaining available production hours and the production rate of the used production model.

The expected quantity of future production is 18 units. This quantity is used to calculate estimated costs based on expected production.

The total cost estimated for schedule line 2 is the sum of estimated cost based on actual production and the expected production.

  • At any time before or after the interval of the cost document, the calculation may be executed. As time progresses, the actual and estimated quantities carry over.

    • At the start of the cost document interval the complete view is based on estimated production.
    • At the end of the interval it is based on actual production.
  • Calculated estimates may vary considerable due to changes in the schedule line planning on the work cell during the cost document interval.
  • When the cost document is closed, The (final) calculation on a cost document is done using the end date of the cost document interval as the calculation date. The estimates are based completely on actual production.