Item Sales Properties

If an item is sold by a sales office without a warehouse, item costing type Sales Scheme is required. Examples are:

  • The office is in EU1, but delivery is by a warehouse in EU2.
  • Direct delivery.

Item costing is created automatically if:

  • The warehouse of the item by sales office is in another enterprise unit, or the warehouse is empty.
  • No item costing is present.
  • The item type is Product or Generic.

If item costing of the type Logistics or Purchase is created for the sold item, it will overrule any costing of the type Sales Scheme.

Example: If costing for enterprise unit X is created in the Items - Sales by Office (tdisa0181m000) session, and later Item Data by Warehouse requires costing for site X, item costing will be updated and costing type Sales Scheme will be replaced by Logistics.