Replenishing Shop Floor Warehouse

The Replenish Shop Floor Warehouse (tiasc8210m000) session can generate and update supply messages. The functionality of this session is mainly determined by the Supply System you use.

Order Controlled/SILS

If you use the SILS ( supply in line sequence) supply system, the messages can be generated and updated in the following ways:

If the messages are generated for internal supply, they can be blocked or unblocked. If the messages are generated for external supply, they are always unblocked.

  • Blocked By default the generated messages for internal supply are Blocked. Supply messages are not processed, unless they are unblocked.
  • Unblocked Messages for internal supply are unblocked on the basis of the line station selected in the Line Station Trigger From field, as is explained in the Parameters section.

Messages that are updated, can be modified in three ways.

  • Full update A full update is an update of order content, that is, materials and quantities, and of delivery data, that is, delivery sequence and delivery date/time. So, this update is not restricted in any way.
  • Partial update A partial update is an update only of delivery data, that is, delivery sequence and delivery date/time. This update is restricted to delivery data because on the moment of the update the supplier or warehouse can not process changes in order content anymore. An update is partial if the update falls in the Frozen Time Fence. Refer to the Parameters section for more information.
  • Update of the Blocked status, that is, existing blocked messages are unblocked. The unblocking of the messages makes them ready for processing by the warehouse or supplier. Refer to the Parameters section for more information.

If you update SILS supply messages, fully or partially, that were already transferred, the Status field in the Assembly Part Supply Transfer (SILS) (tiasc8520m000) session is set to Modified. This applies both for blocked, and unblocked messages.

Order Controlled/Batch

If you use the order-controlled/batch supply system, the messages have the following characteristics:

  • The Blocked status does not apply to them, so they can not, and need not be unblocked.
  • The messages can not be updated in any way, irrespective whether they are already transferred or not.

If you want to request other parts or quantities, after you generated Batch supply messages, you have the following options:

  • Other quantities of the same parts: You can only request extra parts, by generating a message for another order for which these parts are not already requested.
  • Other parts: You can generate new messages for the same order.

The functionality of this session is determined by the following parameters and settings:

  • In the supply system, defined in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session, the following parameters are set:

    • Supply from Warehouse If you select this check box, assembly parts are requested from the specified warehouse, which generates warehouse transfers. If this check box is cleared, assembly parts are ordered from an external supplier, and the message information is interpreted by Purchase Control, which sends this message information by a (sequenced) shipping schedule.
    • Supply System Assembly parts can be supplied either by Order Controlled/Batch, that is, not for specific assembly orders, or by Order Controlled/SILS. Supply messages can only be updated if you use the SILS supply system.
  • For SILS supply messages, a time fence is used to determine whether an update of the supply messages must be only partial. An update that falls in this time fence is partial. This time fence is the Frozen Time Fence, which is defined on the kit of the assembly parts, in the Assembly Kit (whwmd4550m000) session in Warehousing.
  • SILS supply messages are by default Blocked when they are generated for internal supply. For external supply, the messages are always unblocked. Blocked messages are blocked from processing by the warehouse or supplier, until they are unblocked. The block on messages is set by LN and is registered in the Blocked field of the Assembly Part Supply Transfer (SILS) (tiasc8520m000) session. Refer to the help on the Line Station Trigger From field for more information.
  • Whether SILS supply messages for internal supply must be unblocked, depends on the line station that is selected in the Line Station Trigger From field. If this station is equal to the Trigger-from Station, defined in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session, the messages are unblocked.
  • The quantity of parts is determined by the value of the Quantity to Allocate field in the Assembly Control Parameters (tiasc0100m000) session.
  • This session will only create or update messages for non- floor stock items. You define whether an item is non-floor stock in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session.

The current session only creates or updates supply messages. But these messages are not processed, unless they are transferred to the warehouse or the supplier. Therefore, you must transfer the messages with the Transfer Assembly Part Supply Messages (tiasc8220m000) session, after you generated or updated the messages with the current session.

Process triggering

To ensure that you always have enough inventory in the shop-floor warehouse of one line station, you can trigger the process by process triggered workflow, for example, by line-station orders being reported complete in a previous line station. In that way, you anticipate your demand requirements. Process triggers are defined in the Process Trigger Definition (tiasl8100m000) session.

  • You can display the parts transferred with either the Line Station - Assembly Part Supply Transfer (Batch) (tiasc8510m000) session or the Assembly Part Supply Transfer (SILS) (tiasc8520m000) session.
  • The current session is one of the two sessions you can use to generate or update SILS supply messages. The other session is the Generate Time Horizon-driven SILS Supply Messages (tiasc8212m000) session, which uses time fences to control the generation and update of supply messages. You can use the current session together with that session. Refer to the online help of that session for further explanation.