Maintaining Routing Operations

A routing is the sequence of operations required to manufacture an item. Different types of routings can be used for different types of manufacture.

  • If multisite functionality is activated the routing is defined for an item and site combination.

  • You must be authorised to manage the site for which you are creating a routing.
  • You cannot use the same routing for more than one site.

In the References menu of the Item - Production by Site (tiipd0151m000) session use the Routings command to start the Item - Routings (tirou1101m000) session after you have selected an item and site. This will allow you to manage routings for the selected item.

  • For a nonstandard routing
    Enter the code of an operation and manufactured item
  • For a standard routing
    Select the routing from the list in the Item - Routings (tirou1101m000) session.
  • Choose the first operation number and the associated task

    The other data is then displayed as default data. This data is retrieved from the Tasks (tirou0103m000) session, or the Task Relationships (tirou0104m000) session. Note: You can only select tasks linked to the site.

  • You can enter and maintain a routing operations for a specific item and site combination directly in the Routing Operations (tirou1102m000) overview session, by double-clicking the BOM line to access the detail session.

Changing the number of resources on operation

You can change the number of resources on an operation by changing the value of the Man Occupation for Production field in the Production Planning (tisfc0110m000) session. Note: While changing the number of resources does not affect the cycle time, and the production time remains the same, the total production costs are affected due to the cost of the extra resources.

Changing the number of resources on an operation

To prevent production costs changing when you change the man occupation, or the machine occupation, the cycle time must be recalculated. You can choose to do so, because when changing the man or machine occupation, a question pops up to ask you whether you want the cycle time to be recalculated:

  • If you click Yes, the cycle time is recalculated. So, the man occupation or machine occupation is changed, including the total production time, but the costs stay the same. For more information on how the cycle time is recalculated, refer to Recalculation of cycle time when changing man occupation or machine occupation.
  • If you click No, the changed man occupation or machine occupation does not affect the cycle time and the production time. However, the total production costs will change to reflect the change in man occupation or machine occupation.