Using up remaining stock of outdated items

Often, new items are introduced that, make other items obsolete. The obsolete items are no longer deliverable or the items are no longer manufactured.

If an outdated item is used as material in a job shop bill of material, you must replace the material by a replacement item with the same specifications.

If a quantity of outdated material remains in stock, it must be used up first.

  • Use-up materials have the same net quantity as the standard material.
  • Use-up materials have exactly the same values of characteristics such as the scrap and yield as the standard material.
  • Use-up materials have the same material-routing relationships as the standard item.
  • If a component on a BOM line is a standard item, that is, an item with an empty project segment, the associated use-up must also be standard components.
  • If a component on a BOM line is a project item, that is, an item with a filled project segment, the associated use-up project segments must be either:

    • Filled with the same project as the main item's project segment
    • Empty (the alternative is a standard item)
  • If a component on a BOM line is a phantom, you cannot define a use-up material for that component.
Checks for use-up materials

At any of the following moments, depending on parameter settings, LN can check whether you must use any use-up material:

To use revisions and lot control instead of use-up materials

If you use the Engineering Data Management module to control changes in a job shop bill of material and you link subsequent revisions to the same item code on a BOM line, you cannot apply the use-up functionality.

For that situation, you can apply lot control and use the FIFO outbound method. That outbound method ensures that you use up the outdated revision before you take the new revision.