Sequence of estimated material linesIf you generate a production order, the BOM lines for the item are listed as materials in the Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000) and Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0501m000) sessions. The following determines the sequence and number of the material lines:
The sequence of the material lines You can select the following values:
Example BOM
In the example, the wheel is a phantom. As a result, the wheel is not listed in the estimated materials. The aggregation of the BOM lines The material lines for a specific production order equal the bill of material (BOM) lines of the production order's item. However, sometimes fewer material lines are specified in estimated materials than BOM lines are present due to equal BOM lines being aggregated into single material lines. This limits the number of material lines compared to BOM lines. Note You can only aggregate BOM lines if all net quantities are either negative or positive. Positive and negative net quantities cannot be aggregated together. Example You copy a BOM line with a net quantity of 2, which results in two equal BOM lines. When a production order is generated, one aggregated material line is generated with a net quantity of 4. To consider different BOM lines equal, the following values must be the same for both lines:
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