Calculating production rate and cycle time from a norm table

Production rate

The production rate is the number of norm units per minute or per hour that a task can be performed for a combination of an X-axis value and a Y-axis value from the norm table, multiplied by a conversion factor. This conversion factor is defined for the norm table in the Norm Tables (tirou0130m000) session.


If you have selected a value that does not appear on the X-axis or the Y-axis, the production rate will be calculated by linear interpolation. For more information, see Calculating based on norm tables.

Example 1 (norm units in MINUTES)

Norm table codeAAA Sawing boards
Conversion factor1.0000


Board width in mmBoard diameter in mm50.0070.0090.00


If a board has a width of 60.00 mm and a thickness of 4 mm, seven boards can be sawn per minute if the conversion factor is 1.0000.

If you change the conversion factor to 10.0000, 60 boards can be sawn per minute. The values in the table remain unchanged, whatever the value of the conversion factor. The result of a change is not visible until the computation of the norm time and the production rate (norm units) on the Calculated Norm Time field and the Calculated Production Rate field in the Calculate Norm Time (tirou0230m000) session.

The number of units is per minute or per hour, depending on the value of the Production Rate Time Unit field in the Job Shop Master Data Parameters (tirou0100m000) session.

Cycle time

The cycle time is the required norm time in MINUTES to perform an operation on one piece of an item for a combination of the norm table's X-axis value and a Y-axix value multiplied by two conversion factors. These factors are defined in the Conversion Factor Norm Times field in the Norm Tables (tirou0130m000) session and Factor for Norm Time field in the Calculate Norm Time (tirou0230m000) session.


If you have selected a value that does not appear on the X-axis or Y-axis, the cycle time will be calculated by interpolation.

Example 2 (norm times in MINUTES)

Norm table10B Drilling holes
Conversion factor1.0000


Board thickness in mmHole thickness in mm5.007.009.00


If the conversion factor is 1.0000, it takes a half a minute to drill a hole with a diameter of 5 mm in a board with a thickness of 40 mm. If you change the conversion factor to 10.000, it will take 5 minutes to drill the hole.

The values in the table remain unchanged, irrespective of the value of the conversion factor. The result of a change is not visible until the computation and the production rate (norm units) is done on the calculated norm time fields and calculated production rate fields in the Calculate Norm Time (tirou0230m000) session.