E-Item by MBC (tiedm3122m000)

Use this session to define and modify which engineering items are linked to an MBC line. If the E-items were generated using the Generate E-Items by MBC (tiedm3201m000) session, this session also enables you to apply changes.


MBC Number

The code of the MBC to which revisions are linked.

MBC Number

The order status.

All Actions Must Apply to Item

If this check box is selected, the engineering items selected in the Include/Exclude E-Items (tiedm3121m000) session, to which all MBC lines are applicable, will be considered for change.

If this check box is cleared, the E-items selected in the Include/Exclude E-Items (tiedm3121m000) session, to which at least one MBC line is applicable, will be considered for change.


The field relates to E-items which are both directly and indirectly listed in the Include/Exclude E-Items (tiedm3121m000) session.


Select the position for the MBC item.

Engineering Item

Enter the engineering item for the MBC.

Engineering Item

The description or name of the code.

Old Revision

The revision that is used as the basis to change an E-item ( Engineering Item field).

New Revision

The new revision assigned to the E-item in the Engineering Item field.

See the E-Item by MBC (tiedm3122m000) for more details.

Effective Date of New Revision

Enter the effective date for the new revision. This is the date on which the revision will take effect.


Engineering Item Revisions

Click to start the Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m000) session.