Copy Item to Alternative Materials (tibom0250m000)

Use this session to define alternative materials.

You can also use this session to define use-up materials.

This session inserts the alternative materials in the Use Up and Alternative Materials (tibom0150m000) session.

To define an alternative material that you can use if the standard material is out of stock, set the Priority field to Add as Lowest.

To define a use-up material, set the Priority field to Add as Highest.


Alternative Material

The item that you want to define as alternative materials.

Is Alternative for Item

The item for which you want to define one or more alternatives or to which you want to link a use-up material.

Manufactured Item From

The start of the range of items that are the main items of the BOMs to which you want to add the alternative materials.

Manufactured Item To

The end of the range of items that are the main items of the BOMs to which you want to add the alternative materials.


This field determines at which priority the alternative is added.

Allowed values

  • Add as Highest
    The alternative material is added with the highest available priority.
  • Add as Lowest
    The alternative material is added with the lowest available priority.