To set up cash flow statements


To set up the cash flow statement prerequisites, use the following sequence of sessions:

  1. Group Company Parameters (tfgld0101s000)
    If you want to generate cash flow statements in any of the financial companies of the group, you must select the Cash Flow Statement check box.
  2. Reasons (tcmcs0105m000)
    Define reason codes for the sources and uses for cash that you want to distinguish. The Reason Type must be Cash Flow.
  3. Purchase Types (tcmcs2101m000)
    For the purchase types related to cash transactions, select the default cash flow reasons.
  4. Sales Types (tcmcs2102m000)
    For the sales types related to cash transactions, select the default cash flow reasons.
  5. Chart of Accounts (tfgld0108s000)
    For ledger accounts used for cash transactions, select the default cash flow reason in the Cash Flow Reason field. The ledger accounts must have level zero and must not be a text account, an intercompany account, or an integration account.

To set up the detailed cash flow statement

To set up the detailed cash flow statements, use the following sequence of sessions:

    • Group Company Parameters (tfgld0101s000)

      Select the Detailed Cash Flow Information check box.

    • Cash Flow Information Codes (tfgld2560m000)

      Cash flow information codes with parent-child structure can be defined and subsequently linked to a ledger account. This allows to report the cash outflow per expense type.

    • Transaction Types (tfgld0511m000

      The data for the cash transaction type can only be generated if the Exclude from Cash Flow Information check box is cleared (default value) for the cash transaction type.

    • Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000)

      For each ledger account, the Cash Flow Information Code field must be specified with a code defined in Cash Flow Information Structure (tfgld2560m000) session.

    • Detailed Cash Flow Information (tfgld2561m000)
      Generated details of Cash transactions are displayed and can be exported to Excel.
    • Detailed Cash Flow Information data can be generated, updated or deleted using this session or using the Generate Detailed Cash Flow Information (tfgld2261m000) session, Update Detailed Cash Flow Information (tfgld2261m100) session or Delete Detailed Cash Flow Information (tfgld2261m200) session.
    • Only finalized cash transactions can be selected.
    • Detailed information of the underlying documents such as ledger account and dimensions are displayed.
    • For cash transactions related to Purchase or Sales Invoices, in addition to the cost or revenue ledger accounts and dimensions, information such as Purchase or Sales Order line and Item is also available.
    • If for the ledger account, the Operations Management Integration Indicator field is not set to Not Applicable, the distribution across ledger accounts and dimensions in Operations Management, if available, replaces the original interim ledger account and dimensions.
    • For Cash transactions on Advance/Unallocated Payments/Receipts, the ledger accounts and dimensions of Advance/Unallocated Payments/Receipts are displayed.
    • Cash Flow Reason Groups (tfgld0124m000)
      On the Cash Flow Reasons by Statement tab, link cash flow reason groups to the cash flow statement and link cash flow reasons to the cash flow reason groups. .