Z4 reporting setup

To set up Z4 reporting, use this sequence of sessions:

  1. CMG Parameters (tfcmg0500m000)

    On the Reporting tab, enable Z4 reporting:

    1. In the Z4 Reporting Applicable field, select the appropriate reporting option:

      • Payments
      • Receipts
      • Payments and Receipts

      Note: If this field's value is Not Applicable, the fields related to Z4 reporting are not visible in the other sessions mentioned in this setup procedure.

    2. In the Minimum Amount for Z4 Reporting field, specify the amount above which payment amounts must be included in the Z4 report.
  2. Reason for Payment Groups (tfcmg0528m000)
    Ensure that reason for payment groups exist.
  3. Reasons for Payment (tfcmg0130m000)
    Link reason for payment groups to reasons for payment. Optionally, select the Required for Z4 check box.
  4. Pay-by Business Partner Reason for Payments (tccom4116m000)

    Link reasons for payment to pay-by business partners:

    1. In the Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000) session, from the appropriate menu, select Details.
    2. In the Pay-by Business Partner Reason for Payments (tccom4116m000) session, select a reason for payment that is linked to a reason for payment group.
    3. Back in the Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000) session, click OK.