To print the journal book

This functionality is specific for Italy.

Use the Print Journal Book (tfgld5410m000) session to generate and print the journal book.

LN prints the reports in the company's local currency. The start date of each report is the date following the date on which you printed the previous report.

If you start this session by itself, you can select a journal book section and enter the end date for the report. LN retrieves the data from the finalized transactions and for Preliminary reports, also from the non-finalized transactions.

The journal book reports

The sectional journal books show all the transaction lines in transaction date sequence. The journal book summary summarizes all the sectional books that are marked for inclusion in the journal book summary. The report shows the total debit and credit amount of each ledger account per date and journal book section.

For each journal book section, the printed pages as well as transaction lines are sequentially numbered. For each fiscal year, a journal book section starts with page 1 and line 1. If you print a report, LN stores the last used page number and line number, and continues the page numbering and the line numbering on the next report.

Blank lines are not permitted on the report. If an empty line occurs, asterisks (*) must be printed instead.

Report types

You can print the following journal book reports:

  • Preliminary
    A preliminary report of a journal book section. The report includes non- finalized and finalized transactions. LN sets the journal book section status to Preliminary Printed.
  • Final

    The official report of a journal book section on legal paper. The report includes only finalized transactions. LN sets the journal book section status to Printed.

    If non-finalized transactions exist for the selected date range, you cannot print a Final journal book.

  • Summary
    The official report of the journal book summary on legal paper. The report includes all the journal book sections for which you selected the Include in JB Summary check box. All the sections of the journal book must have the Printed status. LN sets the journal book section status to Summary Printed.
To reprint the journal book

To reprint the most recently printed report, use the standard Print command in the Journal Books (tfgld5510m000) session. LN reprints most recently printed report, as indicated by the journal book status. You cannot enter or change the selection data.

If you start this session with the Reprint Journal Book - Multi Company command in the Journal Books (tfgld5510m000) session, LN reprints the journal book for a range of financial companies. All the companies must belong to the same financial group company and have the same local currency. LN retrieves the data from the Journal Book Transactions (tfgld511) tables. No other transactions can be added, and you cannot enter or change the selection data.

Sequence control

To support sequence control of the journal book reports, if you print a journal book, LN stores the following data:

  • The print date
  • The date range
  • The range of page numbers
  • The range of line numbers
  • The opening balance
  • The closing balance

These details are required as a basis for the next journal book report.