Table sharing for financial integration mapping

Specific rules apply to sharing of the mapping scheme and reconciliation tables in a multicompany structure.

General rules

In LN, the mapping scheme must always be centralized in such a way that all financial companies that share the Companies (tcemm170) table must share the mapping scheme.

If a specific financial company needs to use a different mapping for specific transactions, to set up the mapping for that company, you must enter the financial company number in, for example, the Ledger Mapping (tfgld4569m000) session rather than leave the Financial Company field blank.

In a multicompany structure, the financial companies must share many of the financial tables while other tables must not be shared. The following general rules apply:

  • Financial integration tables
    All the companies must share all the tables of the Finance/Logistics module.
  • Integration ledger accounts
    The companies of a multicompany structure must use the same integration ledger accounts. To achieve this, you can share the Chart of Accounts (tfgld008) table or define exactly the same integration ledger accounts in the individual companies. In addition, the companies must either share the Dimensions (tfgld010) table or define the same dimensions in every company to use the same dimensions.
  • Transaction types and series
    The companies of a multicompany structure must also use the same transaction types and series. To achieve this, you can either define identical transaction types in every company or share the Transaction Types (tfgld011) table. The Series (tfgld017) table must not be shared. However, the series used in the Mapping Scheme (tfgld477) table must be defined in each financial company.
  • Exceptions
    Exceptions to these rules are permitted. In the financial company in which a common integration account or a dimension does not exist, you must map the elements to another ledger account or dimensions specifically for that company, in the Ledger Mapping (tfgld4569m000) session or the Dimension Mapping (tfgld4571m000) session. If a common transaction type does not exist, you must define a specific transaction type for the integration document types for the financial company, on the Document Numbering and Compression tab of the Mapping Scheme (tfgld4573m000) session.
  • Transactions table
    Sharing the Integration Transaction (tfgld482) table and the Reconciliation Transactions (tfgld495) table is not compulsory. Due to the large amount of data that each company stores in the Reconciliation Data (tfgld495) table, we do not recommend that you share this table. However, the decision of whether or not to share this table also depends on the specific system and database features, as well as the reconciliation needs.
Table Sharing Modeler

You can use the Table Sharing Modeler to set up the required table sharing structure. All financial companies that share the Companies (tcemm170) table must share the tables of the Central Integration Mapping (R10100) table set.