Update Cash Forecast (tfcmg3210m000)

Use this session to update the cash flow forecast. To view the results, use the Cash Forecast Components by Date/Currency (tfcmg3520m000) session.

Manual invoices and sales invoices

LN determines the expected cash date by payment schedule, or by the selected option:

  • Due Date
  • Expected Cash Date
  • Average Receipt Period

The average number of days overdue are added to the expected cash date; the average days overdue is calculated in the customer statistics.

If no payment schedule is available, you can select manual invoices and sales invoices on the basis of the liquidity date.

Sales orders

If the delivery date is specified, LN uses this date. Otherwise, the planned delivery date and the payment terms are used. In addition, the extra days from the pay-to business partner data are also added.

Project contracts

For projects that are not closed, LN takes into account all of the following types of invoices:

  • Advance Payment Request
  • Contract Delivery (in case of delivery-based invoicing)
  • Cost-Plus
  • Extension
  • Fees & Penalties (status Approved or Fixed Fee)
  • Holdback
  • Installment
  • Progress Payment Request (status Approved)
  • Unit Rate

Calculation is done for projects with a status higher than Free. The projects must be linked to contract lines that are not canceled.

The planned invoice date is used, or the current date with the payment terms from the invoice (first choice) or from the contract line added.

Sales quotations

The planned delivery date plus the payment terms, which is retrieved from the business partner data, are used as the liquidity date. Sales quotations have an individual success rate. If the quotation's success rate is equal to or greater than the entered success rate, the quotation is taken into account. Alternative quotations are never taken into account.

Purchase invoices

LN determines the expected cash date by payment schedule, or by the selected option:

  • Due Date
  • Expected Cash Date
  • Average Payment Period
  • Discount Date
Purchase orders

To define the liquidity date, the most appropriate delivery date must be defined. First, the confirmed delivery date is checked, then the delivery date, then the current planned delivery date, and finally the planned delivery date. The first date found is used. The delivery date that is added to the payment terms period that is taken from the invoice-from business partner data, is the liquidity date.

Standing orders

The liquidity date is defined as follows:

  • Regular payment: the planned payment date from the standing order payment schedule.
  • Unique payment: the planned payment date from the standing order.

To both days, the extra days in the pay-by business partner data are added.


To assign the budget amounts to a liquidity date, LN automatically generates the budget cash-forecast periods by taking into account the Cash Date field. All budget data for a certain period are added to the liquidity periods generated by LN.


Budgets are processed by year.


Manual Invoices

If this check box is selected, manual invoices are included in the cash forecast.

Sales Invoices

If this check box is selected, the outstanding sales invoice balances, defined in the Sales Invoices (tfacr1110s000) session, are included in the cash flow forecast update.


If the Sales Invoices check box is selected, this option is available.

Doubtful Sales Invoices

If this check box is selected, doubtful sales invoices are included in the cash forecast update.

If the Sales Invoices check box is selected, you can select this check box.

Problem Sales Invoices

If this check box is selected, sales invoices with a problem code are included in the cash forecast update.

If the Sales Invoices check box is selected, you can select this check box.

Related topics

Sales Orders

If this check box is selected, existing sales orders are included in the cash forecast.

Sales Quotations

If this check box is selected, sales quotations are included in the cash forecast.

Percentage to include

Select the sales quotation check box to access this field.

You can specify the minimum success percentage of the quotations to include the quotations in the cash-flow forecast update.

Project Contracts

If this check box is selected, project contracts are included in the cash forecast.

Purchase Invoices

If this check box is selected, the balances of open purchase invoices are included in the cash forecast.


If the Purchase Invoices check box is selected, this option is available.

Blocked Purchase Invoice

If this check box is selected, blocked purchase invoices are included in the cash forecast.

Registered Invoices

If this check box is selected, the balances of open registered invoices are included in the cash forecast.

Purchase Orders

If this check box is selected, purchase orders are included in the cash forecast.

Standing Orders

If this check box is selected, standing orders are included in the cash forecast.

Purchase Requisitions

If this check box is selected, purchase requisitions are included in the cash forecast.


If this check box is selected, the budget is included in the cash forecast.

Budget Year

Select the Budget check box to access this field.

Enter the year in which the budget is processed.


Enter the budget that must be included in the cash flow forecast.

Delete Unselected Data

If this check box is selected, unselected data is deleted.

Delete Data Until

Enter a date up to which all old data must be deleted.