Anticipated Payments (Details) (tfcmg2116s000)

Use this session to maintain the anticipated payment details such as the payment type, which includes invoices, unallocated payments, advance payments, standing orders and purchase invoice adjustment.

In the Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000) session, you must be authorized for the type of payment and the payment amount.

You can only process purchase invoices that are approved for payment and to which no hold reason is linked.

If you select a purchase invoice for payment, LN searches for unassigned advance and unallocated payments, for the business partner of the invoice. If such documents exist, LN displays a warning.


Payment Document

The transaction type part of the anticipated payment document number.

Payment Document

The payment document number of the anticipated payment document.


The company to which the anticipated payment details are sent.

Payment Type

Select the payment type and category.

Invoice-from Business Partner

Enter the invoice-from business partner for receiving anticipated payments.

Inv-from Bus Partner

The name of business partner.

Bank Reference

If you use bank reference numbers, this is the bank reference number of the invoice.

Document Number

Enter the transaction type.

The document number is a combination of the transaction type and the document identification code.

Document Number

Enter the document number that identifies an invoice in a transaction type.

For standing orders, enter the standing order number.

Document Number

The number of the payment line that refers to the standing order schedule line.

Cash Flow Reason

The cash flow reason of the transaction.

Related topics


The advance payment category.

If you selected the Allow Advance Payment Category check box in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session and the posting method is Advance Payment, you must select a category.

For details, refer to Advance Payment Categories.

Pay-to Business Partner

The pay-to-business partner who receives the anticipated payments.


The amount that can be debited from or credited to the bank account linked to the selected bank relation.


You can modify this amount, in case of standing orders.


The currency used for anticipated payments.

Amount in Invoice Currency

The (partial) amount, expressed in the invoice currency.

Default value

The value in this field appears by default for the following payment types:

  • Invoice
  • Standing Order
  • Sales Invoice Adjustment

For other payment types, LN displays the remaining amount in the currency specified in the Opening Balance field in the Bank Balances (tfcmg2101s000) session.


You can modify this amount for standing orders.

Amount Invoice Currency
Late Payment Surcharge Amount

Enter the amount to be deducted from the invoice amount if the invoice is paid before the late payment surcharge date.


Enter the amount to be deducted if the anticipated payment is linked to an invoice.

If the Block Discount Exceeding Tolerance check box is selected in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session, you cannot enter a discount that exceeds the discount percentages defined in the Payment Terms (tcmcs0113s000) session.


The Purchase Inv. Adjustment type is not used in this session.

Payment Difference

LN shows the payment difference amount.

The payment difference amount and the percentage must both fall within the tolerances defined in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session or specifically for you in the Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000) session.

Factoring Commission Amount

The factoring commission amount

Factoring Commission Amount

The currency in which the amount is expressed.

Tax Country/Code

Enter the tax codes by country to calculate tax.

Enter the code of the tax country where tax is calculated.

Tax Country/Code

Enter the tax code. The combination of tax codes by country determines the tax rates.


Enter the reference text.

Amount in Home Currency

The amount expressed in home currency.

Late Payment Surcharge Amount in HC

The late payment surcharge amount expressed in home currency.

Discount in Home Currency

The discount amount expressed in home currency.

Paym. Diff. in HC

The payment difference amount expressed in home currency.

Fact. Comm. in HC

The factoring commission expressed in home currency.

Tax Amount

Enter the tax amount. Tax amount must be added to the transaction amount.

Tax Amount

The amount is expressed in home currency.

Remaining Amount

The remaining amount.

Remaining Amount

The indicator to show the remaining amount as debit/credit amount.

Ledger Account

Enter the dimensions.

Withholding Income Tax
Withholding Social Contribution
Social Contribution Company Expense