Map Journal Type to Transaction Type (tfbia0120m000)

Use this session to map journal types to LN transaction types.


On the appropriate menu, you can start the following sessions:

  • Assign Journal Type to Transaction Types (tfbia0220m000)

    Use this session to assign one journal type to multiple transaction types.

  • Check Transaction Type Mapping (tfbia0220m100)

    Use this session to check whether all transaction types within a given range have a journal type mapped to them.


Transaction Type

A user-defined three-position code used to identify documents. The series linked to the transaction type give documents the sequence number.

Transaction Category

A way to categorize transaction types, for example journal vouchers, recurring/reverse journals, purchase invoices, and sales invoices. The category defines how to process a transaction linked to the selected transaction type.

Journal Type

The journal type code.


The journal type description.

