Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000)

Use this session to enter the details of a purchase invoice.

If the invoice must be matched with purchase orders (and any landed cost lines charged by supplier), in the Invoice Type field, select Invoice Related to Purchase Orders. To match the invoice exclusively with landed cost lines, in the Invoice Type field, select Invoice Related to Landed Costs. If the invoice covers purchased transport rather than purchased goods, select Invoice Related to Freight Orders.

You can maintain additional costs on the corresponding tab.

Use the commands on the appropriate menu to perform various types of matching in the corresponding sessions. Depending on the type of matching and the type of invoice, you can match the invoice with specific lines and enter the amount or quantity to be matched.

If the invoice is related to purchase order lines, you can:

  • Manually match the invoice by clicking the Matching option.
  • Approve the invoice when the Amount Unassigned is zero. On the appropriate menu, point to Approve and from the submenu, select Approve.
  • Reverse the approval of the invoice if this is still allowed. On the appropriate menu, point to Approve and from the submenu, select Unapprove.
  • If a freight order is already completely handled in Freight, you cannot approve the invoice.
  • Purchase orders which were created through a subcontracting PCS order, a subcontracting service order or a subcontracting maintenance order, cannot always be unapproved.
  • If you enter an invoice and another invoice with the same supplier and supplier invoice number already exists, a message is displayed. To run the Duplicate Invoices (tfacp2504m000) session, click the button in this message.
  • In case a debit note has been specified, the Print Debit Notes option is enabled, which can be used to print a draft version of this debit note. The original version is printed using the Debit Notes (tfacp2507m100) session, which can be invoked using the Accounts Payable 360 (tfacp2560m000) session or the Purchase Invoice Inquiry (tfacp2600m100) session.
Automatic matching
  • If the Automatic Matching check box in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session is selected, LN will automatically match the invoice.
  • If you enter the number of an order or a packing slip, LN will try to match the invoice with the order or the orders associated with the packing slip.
  • If you enter a value in both fields, LN will only use the packing slip in the automatic matching process if it was received in the warehouse.


General Data

The purchase invoice transaction type.

You select this transaction type in the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session. LN uses it to identify the invoice, together with the document number in the next field.

Invoice Document

The purchase invoice document number. It is used in LN to identify the invoice, together with the transaction type in the previous field.

Allowed values

If more series numbers are defined for this invoice transaction type in the Transaction Type Series (tfgld0114m000) session, you can select another series number.

Default value

LN enters a series number defined in the Transaction Type Series (tfgld0114m000) session.

When this field is filled, LN sets the Invoice Status field to Registered.

Invoice Type

This field indicates whether the invoice is related to purchase orders, freight orders, landed costs, or other costs.

Depending on the invoice type you choose, one of two purchase invoice processing procedures is started from this session:

  • Cost Invoice
    Entry of transaction lines on the Accounting Distribution tab.
  • Invoice Related to Purchase Orders, Invoice Related to Landed Costs or Invoice Related to Freight Orders
    Matching, entry of additional costs, and approval in the current session.


If you manufacture cars and you need to buy tyres, a purchase order for tyres is generated. If the invoice for these tyres is registered, the invoice type must be Invoice Related to Purchase Orders. LN matches the invoice with the purchase order.

If you manufacture cars, and you need to buy coffee for your coffee machines, LN does not generate a purchase order. This is because this cost is not related to your business, which is making and selling cars. The invoice that is registered for the coffee must have invoice type Cost Invoice. This invoice will not go through the invoice matching procedure.

Invoice Receipt Date

The date on which the purchase invoice is registered.

  • If the Functionality for Slovakia and/or the Functionality for Czech Republic check boxes are selected Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session, this value is the date on which the purchase invoice is registered.
  • The default value is the current date.
  • If the purchase invoice is copied from the Received Purchase Invoices (tfacp1500m000) session, this value is defaulted with the Invoice Receipt Date.
Invoice Status

The stage the invoice has reached in its processing.

Approved for Payment

If this check box is selected, the invoice was approved for payment.

If this check box is cleared, and payment approval is required for the invoice, the invoice cannot be selected in the Select Invoices for Payment (tfcmg1220m000) session.

Budget Status

Indicates whether the budget allows this invoice to be processed.

  • The invoice can only be processed if the budget status is OK or Not Applicable.
  • If the budget status is Not Finally Checked Yet, from the appropriate menu, select Check Budget.

This field can have the following values

  • OK
  • Not Applicable
  • Not Finally Checked Yet
  • Budget Exception
Invoice Data
Business Partner

The invoice-from business partner.

Default value

If the invoice type is Invoice Related to Purchase Orders, Invoice Related to Landed Costs or Invoice Related to Freight Orders and an order number is entered in the Order field, LN enters the business partner related to the order.

Supplier Invoice

The invoice identification number used by the invoice-from business partner.

This number is printed as the payment reference when the invoice is paid.


You must enter this number if, in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session, on the General tab, Invoice Number Mandatory is selected.

Variable Symbol

The 10 digit numeric code that represents the reference to the payment information, which is used to match the payment to credit, contract or payer.


This value is defaulted with the first ten digits of the Supplier Invoice number, if the Supplier Invoice is specified. However, you can modify this value.


You can enter a text to be used for internal reference.

Invoice Date

The invoice's date of creation. This date is used, for example, to calculate due dates and discounts.

Default value

By default, LN enters the current date.

Due Date

The date on which invoice amount must have been paid.

Default value

If payment terms are linked to the invoice, the due date is calculated accordingly. Otherwise, LN enters the current date.

Related topics

Reference Line

If a payment slip is attached to the invoice, this field must contain the payment slip reference line.


The lines on purchase orders that record detailed information about, for example:

  • The ordered items
  • The price agreements
  • The delivery dates
  • Shipping
  • Invoicing

You can have one or more lines on a purchase order.

You can zoom to a list of purchase order lines for which the receipts have been registered.

If the invoice type is Invoice Related to Purchase Orders or Invoice Related to Landed Costs, you can select a purchase order.

If the Automatic Matching check box in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session is selected, LN attempts to automatically match the order you enter in this field with the invoice.

Packing Slip

An order document that shows in detail the contents of a particular package for shipment. The details include a description of the items, the shippers or customers item number, the quantity shipped, and the inventory unit of the shipped items.

If the Automatic Matching check box in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session is selected, LN attempts to automatically match the orders linked to the packing slip with the invoice.


If the invoice is related to freight orders, this is the load.


If the invoice is related to freight orders, this is the shipment.

Freight Order Cluster

If the invoice is related to freight orders, this is the freight order cluster.


The invoice amount.

Default value

LN enters the order amount defined in the order details of the order you selected, if:

  • In the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session, the Order Amount default as Invoice Amount check box is selected
  • In the current session, the value of the Invoice Type field is other than Cost Invoice.

The invoice currency.


For a Cost Invoice, LN enters the currency defined for the invoice-from business partner.

Amount in HC

The invoice amount expressed in the home currency.

Home currency

The home currency in which the amount is expressed.

From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.

Currency Rate

The factor by which an amount in a different currency is multiplied to calculate the amount in the currency base.

Defined Rate

The defined rate. It is calculated as follows:

defined rate = currency rate * rate factor
Rate Determiner

The method to decide which date is used to determine the exchange rates.

During the composing process, all amounts in foreign currencies are converted to the home currency, based on the determined exchange rate.

Related topics

Exchange Rate Type

A way to group currency exchange rates. You can assign different currency exchange rates to different invoice-to business partners and/or to different types of transactions (purchase, sales, and so on).

Tax Details
Level of Tax Calculation

The level on which the tax on the invoice must be calculated.

Default value

The default tax calculation level is set in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session.

Tax Country/Code

The country in which the tax must be paid.

Default value

By default, LN enters the tax country defined in the order details of the order you selected.


The tax code for calculating tax over the invoice.

Default value

By default, LN enters the tax code of the selected order.

Tax Amount in Payment Currency

If you have selected Invoice Header in the Level of Tax Calculation field, LN enters the amount of tax to be paid over the invoice amount. LN calculates the tax amount using the tax code entered.

  • If the tax code is a singular tax code, you can change the tax amount.
  • If the tax code is a multiple tax code, you can change the tax amounts in the Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109m000) session. From the appropriate menu, select Tax Codes by Line to start the session.
Tax Amount in HC

The tax amount calculated in one of your home currencies.

Tax Period

The year and the tax period in which the tax over the invoice amount is settled.

Tax Date

The date on which the goods or services are supplied or payment is received.


This value is defaulted from the Invoice Date.

Group Tax Code

A tax code that represents multiple individual tax codes. If more than one tax code applies to a transaction, you can link a group tax code to the transaction.

For example, a group tax code can contain tax codes for:

  • Value added tax
  • Withholding income tax
  • Withholding social contribution
Purchase Type

The purchase type of the purchases made.

To retrieve the most specific default purchase type, for invoices that are related to purchase/freight orders, LN checks for a purchase type in the following order:

  1. The purchase type of the unmatched order line.
  2. The purchase type in the Purchase Type Exceptions (tcmcs2103m000) session for the invoice-from business partner and the purchase order origin, with the various details fields left blank.
  3. The default purchase type of the business partner group of the invoice-from business partner.

To retrieve the most specific default purchase type, LN checks for the default purchase type of the business partner group of the invoice-from business partner.

Original Invoice

If this invoice is a credit note, you can enter the transaction type of the original invoice to which you link the credit note.

If this invoice is a credit note, you can enter the document number of the original invoice to which you link the credit note.

If this invoice is a credit note, you can enter the payment schedule line or shipment number of the original invoice to which you link the credit note.


If this invoice is a credit note with withholding tax and the Withholding Tax for Israel check box is not selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session:

  • the original invoice must have the same withholding tax group code and tax percentage in case the Level of Tax Calculation is set to Invoice Header.
  • the withholding tax group code and tax percentage of each credit note line must be equal to the withholding tax group code and tax percentage of at least one invoice line, if the Level of Tax Calculation is set to Transaction Line in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session.
Original Document Number

The original (supplier) invoice number. This number is displayed for a credit note.

  • This field is applicable only if the Functionality for Slovakia check box is selected Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • The value in this field contains a maximum of thirty characters.
  • The original (supplier) invoice number is mandatory if the Invoice Number Mandatory check box is selected in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session.
Supplier Tax Number

The tax number of the invoice-from business partner.

Amount Unassigned

The invoice amount that is still unassigned to purchase orders or cost items. If this amount is zero, the invoice is fully matched.

Amount unassigned = (net amount + costs to be specified) - (matched amount + matched landed costs + entered transactions + costs to be specified transactions)

For cost invoices, this is the invoice amount that is still unassigned to transactions.

Either Debit or Credit.

Remaining Amount including Tax

The remaining gross amount.

Internal Text

If this check box is selected, a text exists for the invoice.

Payment Data
Payment Terms

Agreements about the way in which invoices are paid.

The payment terms include:

  • The period within which invoices must be paid.
  • The discount granted if an invoice is paid within a given period

The payment terms allow you to calculate:

  • The date on which the payment is due
  • The date on which the discount periods expire
  • The discount amount
Payment Method

The method used to create a payment (purchase invoice) or a receipt (sales invoice).

The payment method defines details such as:

  • The maximum amount
  • The due date
  • Allowance of foreign currencies and other details which must be printed on the report

These are default values that you can change on the order or on the invoice.

If the Payment Method Mandatory check box is selected in the Finance Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000) session, you must link a payment method to the invoice or to the payment schedule lines.

Reason for Payment

The reason for a foreign payment.

You can enter a code in this field if:

  • The Add Reason to Foreign Payments check box in the Payment/Receipt Method (tfcmg0140s000) session is selected.
  • The business partner's country code is different from the country code that belongs to the company in which the invoice is created.

If for the specified pay-to business partner data was entered in the Pay-to Business Partner 1099 Details (tccom4126s000) session, this field is mandatory.

Additional description code

The code for the description of the reason for payment in a foreign currency. The additional description is a requirement for Nordic bank files.

If you register a purchase invoice, you can enter a reason for payment. If additional descriptions are linked to the reason for payment, LN displays the default additional description code. You can change the additional description code.

Late Payment Surcharge

The percentage that is charged over the goods amount or over rendered services that the recipient of the invoice must pay if the invoice is not paid within a specified period.

Payment Agreement

If you have a payment agreement with the invoice-from business partner, this field contains the payment agreement.

Cash Flow Reason

If the purchase invoice must be included in the cash flow statement, this field contains the cash flow reason.

Related topics

Payment Data
Original Pay-to Business Partner

The pay-to business partner that is linked to the invoice-from business partner. For a factored invoice, the original pay-to business partner is replaced with the factor.

Related topics

Pay-to Business Partner

The business partner to whom you pay invoices. This usually represents a supplier's accounts receivable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, the supplier's bank relation, the number of days within which you must pay the invoices, and if the business partner uses a factoring company.

Address Line 1

The first part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 1 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.


A full set of address-related details, which include the postal address, access to telephone, fax, telex numbers, and email, Internet address, identification for taxation purposes, and routing information.

Buy-from Business Partner

The business partner from whom you order goods or services; this usually represents a supplier's sales department. The definition includes the default price and discount agreements, purchase-order defaults, delivery terms, and the related ship-from and invoice-from business partner.

Factoring Number

The identifier with which the business partner is registered by a factor.

Related topics

Payment Schedule

If this check box is selected, a payment schedule exists for this invoice.


If this check box is selected, the invoice belongs to the subcontracting order.

The invoice belongs to a subcontracting invoice if the following applies:

Business Partner Bank

The pay-to business partner's bank.

If a payment schedule is linked to the invoice, this field is empty. The bank is determined separately for each payment schedule line.

Bank Account

The business partner's bank account number.


International Bank Account Number. An international standard account identifier for identifying an account held by a financial institution, in order to facilitate automated processing of cross border transactions. The IBAN is provided by the bank/branch servicing the account.

Bank Reference

If you use bank reference numbers, this is the bank reference number of the invoice.

Authorization Data
Assigned Approver

The assigned approver who can remove the hold reason or approve the invoice for payment.

Hold Reason

You can enter a hold reason to block this invoice for processing.

If you set up default hold reasons, LN automatically links a default hold reason to registered invoices for which no payment approval is required.

If payment approval is required for the invoice and the user who registers the invoice is authorized to approve the payment, LN does not link a default hold reason to the invoice. The Hold Reason field remains empty. However, if the user does not have sufficient authorization, LN a default hold reason to the invoice.

Approve Before

The date before which the invoice must be approved for payment.

Control Account

The control account to which the transaction will be posted.

LN derives the control account from the financial business partner group.


The dimensions to which the transaction will be posted.

For invoices related to purchase orders, LN retrieves the dimensions from the integration mapping scheme if the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • The purchase order details are entered on the invoice.
  • The integration document type for dimension accounting for self-billing invoices was initialised in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session.

If these conditions are not met, and for dimension types for which no integration mapping is defined, LN retrieves the dimensions in the same way as for cost invoices and freight invoices.

For cost invoices and freight invoices, for each dimension type, retrieves the dimensions in the following order:

  1. From the Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000) session
  2. From the financial business partner group control accounts specified in the Accounts by Financial BP Group (tfacp0110m100) session

Tax amounts are also posted to these dimensions. If mandatory dimensions are linked to the tax accounts and no dimensions are defined for the control accounts, LN posts the tax amounts to the dimensions that you specify in the Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000) or the Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000) session.

Net Amount

The total invoice amount after deducting taxes, corrections and credit notes amounts.

Costs to be specified

The total amount that must be specified because of matches that were done to an order line for cost items for which costs must be specified.

Matched Amount

The part of the invoice amount that was already matched with order lines. This amount is increased each time new orders are assigned to the invoice.

Costs to be specified Transactions

The total amount that is specified for cost items for which costs must be specified.

Matched Landed Costs

The part of the invoice amount that was matched with landed costs.

Entered Transactions

The total amount of the additional costs transactions entered for this invoice on the Additional Costs tab or in the Additional Costs (tfacp1101m100) session.


For cost invoices, this is the total amount of the transactions entered for this invoice in the Transactions (tfgld1102m300) session.

Amount Unassigned

The invoice amount that is still unassigned to purchase orders or cost items. If this amount is zero, the invoice is fully matched.

Amount unassigned = (net amount + costs to be specified) - (matched amount + matched landed costs + entered transactions + costs to be specified transactions)

For cost invoices, this is the invoice amount that is still unassigned to transactions.

Price Difference

A difference between the invoice amount and the order amount or the goods received amount which is caused by a difference between the price per unit on the order and the price per unit on the invoice.

The price difference amount can also include a currency difference if the order currency exchange rate is different from the invoice currency exchange rate.

Price difference = invoiced quantity * (order price per unit - invoice price per unit)
Matching Procedure

One of the following:

  • Match to Purchase Order
  • Match to Purchase Receipt
  • Match to Purchase Consumption
  • Not Applicable
Matching Status

Indicates the matching status of the received purchase invoice.

Allowed values

Matching Status


If the quantity of the received purchase invoice is fully matched but warehouse receipt is not final (for example, inspections is yet to be completed), the received purchase invoice is considered as partially matched.

When the warehouse receipt (including inspections) is final, based on the matched quantity, Infor LN updates this value to either Partially Matched or Fully Matched.

This value is set to Not Applicable, if the invoice is a Cost Invoice.

Approval Document

The transaction type that is used for approving the purchase invoice. After you have successfully approved the invoice, LN enters the transaction type for approval in this field.

LN creates the financial transactions under this transaction type. It is not relevant for cost invoices.

Approval Document

The document number that is used for approving the purchase invoice. After you have successfully approved the invoice, LN enters a document number in this field.

LN creates the financial transactions under this document number. It is not relevant for cost invoices.

Withholding Tax
Withholding Tax

If this check box is selected, the invoice includes the withholding income tax amount.

Net Amount Payable to Business Partner

The net payable invoice amount.

The net payable invoice amount in the home currency.

Withholding Income Tax

The withholding income tax amount in the home currency.

Withholding Social Contribution

The withholding social contributions amount in the home currency.

Social Contribution (Company Expense)

The social contribution (expense) amount in the home currency.


Here you can enter additional information and comments.


Payment Terms

Starts the Payment Terms (tfacp1111s000) session.

Copy Received Purchase Invoices

Copies the data from the Received Purchase Invoices (tfacp1500m000) session to this session.

One-Time Business Partner Addresses

Starts the One-Time Business Partner Addresses (tfacp1102s000) session.

Subcontracting Invoices...

Starts the Subcontracting Invoice (tfacp3160s000) session.

Recurring Purchase Invoices

Starts the Recurring Purchase Invoices (tfacp1513m000) session.

Intrastat Transactions

Starts the Intrastat Transactions (tccom7171m000) session.

Withholding Tax

If the invoice is subject to withholding tax and social contributions, this command displays the withholding tax amounts.

Check Budget

Checks whether the budget allows this invoice to be processed.

Run this command if the budget status of the invoice is Not Finally Checked Yet.

You can only process invoices if the budget status is OK or Not Applicable.

  • Budget Exception
  • Not Finally Checked Yet
  • OK
  • Not Applicable

Allows you to match or unmatch the invoice with orders, receipts, landed costs, or consumption.


Allows you to approve the invoice or to reverse the approval.


Use this command to approve the invoice and to balance the interim-accounts related to the receipt and the invoice.


Use this command to reverse the approval of the invoice.