Customer 360 (tdsmi1500m000)

Use this session to view, specify, and maintain sold-to business partner-related data. With this session, LN provides an overview of customer information and enables an account manager to perform multiple customer-related tasks.

How to use the Customer 360 (tdsmi1500m000) session

If you select a sold-to business partner from the business partner list in the Customer 360 (tdsmi1500m000) session, information about the business partner is displayed. If you double-click a record, the Business Partner (tccom4100s000) session starts.

The check marks indicate which data is available for the business partner. If you click a link, a session is started in which you can view, maintain, or specify the business partner data.


Account Manager

The manager who is responsible for maintaining relations with accounts, or business partners.

To only view the business partners for the account manager, click Apply Filter. Consequently, the sold-to business partners with the current account manager specified in the Internal Sales Representative or External Sales Representative fields in the Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4510m000) session, are displayed.

Sold-to Contact

The sold-to contact's e-mail address.

Do not call

If this check box is selected, the contact does not want to receive phone calls.


The sold-to contact's office telephone number.

Primary Office Phone

If this check box is selected, the office phone number is the contact's primary phone number.


The sold-to contact's mobile telephone number.

Primary Mobile Phone

If this check box is selected, the mobile phone number is the contact's primary phone number.

Credit Information

A generally accepted medium of exchange such as coins, treasury notes, and banknotes.

The following currency types are available in LN:

  • Home currency, which is used internally by companies to calculate costs, record budgets, and register tax amounts
  • Transaction currency, which is used in transactions with business partners, such as orders and invoices
Credit Limit

The maximum financial risk that you accept or are insured against concerning an invoice-to business partner, or that an invoice-from business partner accepts concerning you.

When you create orders, LN continually checks that the total amount of created and invoiced orders does not exceed the credit limit. When you exceed the limit, LN gives a warning message.

In the Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400) session, you can specify whether LN must display a warning message or block the sales order when the new order balance exceeds the credit limit.

Order Balance

The balance of outstanding orders.

Invoice Balance

The total unpaid invoice amount.

Available Credit

The balance of all unpaid invoices relating to one particular business partner.

Turnover Overview

The business partner's standard business currency.


The year to which the turnover amount applies.


The annual sales volume.


The business partner's picture, which is defaulted from the Picture field in the Business Partner (tccom4100s000) session.


The type of graph that is displayed.

These graphs can be selected:

  • Delivery Performance
    Shows the percentage of sales order lines that are delivered on time in comparison with all sales order lines delivered to the business partner, for the last 12 months.
  • Turnover
    Shows the turnover for the business partner, for the last 5 years.
  • Invoice Overdue
    Shows the open balance versus the total amount of overdue invoices for the business partner.

See Customer graphs.

Business Information

The area in which the sold-to business partner is established.

Sales Territory

The sales territory to which the sold-to business partner is linked.

Line of Business

The sold-to business partner's line of business, which is used as a sorting criterion for the sales statistics.

Industry Code

The codes that classify business partners by type of business based on a code list, as determined by the government authorities. These codes can be used to segment customers for territory management and campaigns. Examples of industry coding systems are: SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) and NAICS (North American Industry Classification System).

Number of Employees

The number of employees that are working for the business partner.

Annual Revenue

The sold-to business partner's annual revenue.

Annual Revenue Currency

The currency in which the annual revenue is expressed.


A definition of the ownership, such as private, public, or investment company.


The rating assigned to the sold-to business partner.

Presales, Sales, Execution, After Sales, and Miscellaneous

If a check mark is displayed, data is available in the linked session.

Business Partner

The business partner who orders goods or services from your organization, who owns the configurations you maintain, or for whom you perform a project. Usually a customer's purchase department.

The agreement with the sold-to business partner can include:

  • Default price and discount agreements
  • Sales order defaults
  • Delivery terms
  • The related ship-to and invoice-to business partner
Search Key

Use the search key to find a business partner.

LN automatically fills this field with the first 16 positions of the business partner's name. The letters are converted into capitals.


The business partner's name.


The business partner's address.

House Number

The business partner's house number.

ZIP Code

The business partner's ZIP code.


The city where the business partner resides.


The country where the business partner resides.

Access Number

The country's international access-number for the telephone.


The main telephone number.


You can specify a status for the business partner, which indicates whether you can trade with the business partner or not.

Allowed values

Business Partner Status

Parent Business Partner

The business partner that links the various business-partners with different roles in a distributed business partner organization.

If you define branches of one company as different business partners, the business partners must all have the same parent business partner.


The title used on the documents addressed to the business partner.

Effective Date

The date and time when the business partner's status takes effect.

If you leave this field empty, the status takes effect immediately.

Expiry Date

The expiry date and time of the business partner's status.

If you leave this field empty, the status continues.


The language used for documents addressed to the business partner. If no document is available in this language, the document in the company language is used.


The currency used for the initial transactions with the business partner, such as for request for quotations and sales quotations.

On invoices, LN uses the default currency you specify for the invoice-to business partner and invoice-from business partner roles.

Related topics

One-Time Business Partner

If this check box is selected, the business partner is a one-time business partner.


When you process the invoicing batch and print the invoice, the invoice address of one-time business partners is specified in Invoicing.

Affiliated Company

If this check box is selected, the business partner is an affiliated company.

The affiliated company is used in:

  • The multicompany master plan to distinguish the dependent demand from the independent demand when analyzing the order file in Enterprise Planning.
  • Multicompany electronic data interchange to determine the company for which an internal EDI message is meant.
  • Financials, to generate a reconciliation report for the companies for which LN generates intercompany settlements.

This check box is enabled if you specified all the business partner roles for the business partner.

Affiliated Company No.

The company number of the affiliated company represented by the business partner.

You can link a logistic company to only one business partner.

Chamber of Commerce

The business-partner's identification number at the chamber of commerce.

Commercial Identification

An information field that you can use, for example, as the business partner's identification number at a credit insurance company.

Business Partner Texts

If you select a business partner in this field, the text linked to this business partner is printed on external documents.

For example, you can print text linked to the sold-to business partner (special delivery agreements) on the shipping order printed for the ship-to business partner.

If you leave this field empty, only text linked to the current business partner is printed on documents for the business partner.


The business partner's default address.


The default contact for this business partner.

Front Office ID

The ID for the business partner generated by a front office application.

Internal Business Partner

If this check box is selected, the business partner is an internal business partner.

In Invoicing, you can send invoices to and receive invoices from business partners. If you want to invoice an enterprise unit of your own company, or if you receive invoices from an enterprise unit, you must specify the enterprise unit as an internal business partner. You can link only one internal business partner to an enterprise unit.

  • You can select this check box only when you create a new business partner.
  • Before you can select his check box, you must first specify all the business partner roles.
  • To remove the link between the business partner and the enterprise unit, clear this check box and save the data.
Intercompany Settlement

If this check box is selected, intercompany settlement transactions can be generated for the business partner.


If the business partner is involved in intercompany settlement transactions, the invoice-from business partner must not be a subcontractor.

If you select this check box:

  • LN clears the One-Time Business Partner check box.
  • You cannot select the Self-Billing check box in the Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000) session.

The business partner's Intracom code.


If this check box is selected, the business partner acts as a factor. If the factor handles your invoices and collects payments from your customers, the factor must have the pay-by role. If the factor collects payments on behalf of your suppliers, the factor must have the pay-to role.


Before you can select this check box, you must specify the pay-by and the pay-to roles for the business partner.

Related topics

EU Company No.

If the business partner is an internal business partner, this is the enterprise unit's operational company.

Collection Office

If this check box is selected, the business partner is considered a collection office.

Creation Date

The date the business partner data, business partner role data, or business partner address data was created.

Last Modification Date

The date the business partner data, business partner role data, or business partner address data was last modified.

To be Verified

If this check box is selected, you must still verify the business partner's details or status.

When you verify the business partner's details or status, clear the check box.

Related topics


If this check box is selected, a text is present.


Show All

Displays all the sold-to business partners from the Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4510m000) session.

Apply Filter

Only displays the sold-to business partners for the account manager that match the value specified in the Internal Sales Representative or External Sales Representative fields in the Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4510m000) session.

New Appointment

Starts the Appointment (tccom6600m100) session in which you can specify a new appointment.

New Task

Starts the Task (tccom6600m300) session in which you can specify a new task.

New Call

Starts the Call (tccom6600m200) session in which you can specify a new call.

New Email

Starts the Email (tccom6600m500) session in which you can specify a new e-mail.

Price Simulator
New Sales Order
Invoice-to BP Turnover
Addresses by BP

Starts the Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000) session, in which you can view the addresses for the business partner by business partner role.

Invoice-to BP Open Entries
Accounts Receivable 360

Starts the Accounts Receivable 360 (tfacr2560m000) session, in which you can view and maintain various types of accounts receivable information.

Planned Inventory Transactions by Order
Planned Inventory Transactions by Item

Starts the Planned Inventory Transactions (whinp1500m000) session, in which you can view planned inventory transactions by item.

Inventory by Item and Warehouse

Starts the Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000) session, in which you can view item inventory by warehouse.

Inventory by Item, Warehouse, Location, Lot

Starts the Warehouse - Item - Lots Inventory (whltc1505m000) session, in which you can view lots by warehouse.


Starts the Promotions (tdpcg0140m000) session, in which you can view and maintain promotions for item promotion group, or business partner promotion groups.


Starts the Opportunities (tdsmi1110m000) session in which you can view, specify, and maintain opportunities for a business partner.


Starts the Sales Quotes (tdsls8310m000) session in which you can view, specify, and take action on sales quotations and quotation lines.

Estimated Versions

Starts the Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000) session in which you can view, specify, and maintain estimate versions for a business partner.


Starts the Bids (tpest3100m000) session in which you can view, specify, and maintain bids for a business partner.


Starts the Activities (tccom6100m000) session in which you can view, specify, and maintain activities for a business partner.


Starts the Contacts by Business Partner Role (tccom4545m000) session in which you can view, specify, and maintain the contacts of the business partner.


Starts the Notes (tcstl1550m000) session in which you can view, specify, and maintain notes related to a business partner.

Sales Order Fulfillment

Starts the Sales Order Fulfillment Workbench (tdsls4601m100) session in which you can view the sales order lines yet to be delivered and to execute the appropriate actions on the lines.

Sales Order Intake

Starts the Sales Order Intake Workbench (tdsls4601m200) session in which you can view the sales order lines for which specific activities are yet to be executed, or unconfirmed backorder quantities exist. You can execute the appropriate actions on the lines.

Sales Order Templates

Starts the Sales Order Templates (tdsls2505m000) session in which you can view, specify, and maintain templates for the business partner. You can generate a sales order based on a template for the selected business partner.

Sales Order History

Starts the Sales Order History (tdsls4550m000) session in which you can view the history for the sales order.

Sales Contracts

Starts the Sales Contracts (tdsls8330m000) session in which you can view, specify, and take action on sales contracts and sales contract lines.

Project Contracts

Starts the Contracts (tpctm1100m000) session in which you can view, specify, maintain, and delete the contracts that are linked to the business partner.

Sales Releases

Starts the Sales Releases (tdsls3612m100) session in which you can view, specify, and take action on sales releases and sales release lines.

Sales Schedules

Starts the Sales Schedules (tdsls3611m100) session in which you can view, specify, and take action on sales schedules and schedule lines.

Sales Schedules History

Starts the Sales Schedule History (tdsls3560m000) session in which you can view sales schedule history.


Starts the Projects 360 (tppdm6500m100) session in which you can view, specify, maintain, and delete the Active projects that are linked to the business partner. Click Show All on the appropriate menu to view all projects.

Project (PCS)

Starts the Project 360 (tipcs0320m000) session in which you can view, specify, maintain, and delete the projects that are linked to the business partner.

Production Orders

Starts the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) session in which you can view the production orders.

LN only displays the uncompleted production orders, which are the orders with a status other than Completed, Closed, and Archived. Click Show All Orders on the appropriate menu to view all production orders.

Service Calls

Starts the Call Overview (tsclm1509m000) session in which you can view the calls that are linked to the business partner.

LN only displays calls with the Registered, Assigned, and In Process status.

Installation Groups

Starts the Installation Groups (tsbsc1100m000) session in which you can view, specify, and maintain the installation groups that are linked to the business partner.

Service Contract Quotes

Starts the Contract Quotes (tsctm2100m000) session in which you can view, specify, and maintain service contract quotations for the business partner.

Service Contracts

Starts the Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000) session in which you can view, specify, maintain, and delete service contracts.

LN only displays service contracts with the Free, or Active status. Click All Service Contracts on the appropriate menu to view all service contracts.

Customer Claims

Starts the Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000) session in which you can view, specify, maintain, and delete claims that are linked to the business partner.

Service Quotes

Starts the Service Order Quotes (tssoc1100m000) session in which you can view, specify, and maintain the service order quotations that are linked to the business partner.

Service Orders

Starts the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session in which you can view, specify, and maintain the service orders that are linked to the business partner. LN only displays service orders with the Free, Planned, and Released status.

Maintenance Sales Quotes

Starts the Quotes (tsepp1100m000) session in which you can view, specify, and maintain the maintenance sales quotations that are linked to the business partner.

Maintenance Sales Orders

Starts the Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000) session in which you can view, specify, and maintain maintenance sales orders.

LN only displays open maintenance sales orders, which are the orders with the Free and In Process status. Click All Maintenance Sales Orders on the appropriate menu to view all maintenance sales orders.

Invoicing 360

Starts the Invoicing 360 (cisli3600m000) session.