Sales Quotes (tdsls8310m000)

Use this session to filter the sales quotations and quotation lines that require an internal sales representative's attention and to execute the appropriate actions on the lines. For example, quotation lines that are about to expire, for which responses are yet to be received, or for which results must still be specified.


You can use these filters to display the appropriate selection of quotations and quotation lines:

  • General Filter
    By Sales Office, Internal Sales Representative, Sold-to Business Partner, or by a combination of these fields.
  • Process Filter
    By processing status.
  • Expiry Date Filter
    By expiry date.
  • The check marks next to the filter options indicate the filters that are activated.
  • The count fields display the number of lines for the filter. This number is displayed irrespective of the activation of the filter.

The quotations and quotation lines that match the activated filters are displayed on these tabs:

Related topics


Sales Office

A department that is identified in the company business model to manage the business partner's sales relations. The sales office is used to identify the locations that are responsible for the organization's sales activities.

Internal Sales Representative

An employee of your company who maintains contact with the sold-to business partner. The employee number of the sales representative is also used as a sorting criterion in the sales statistics.

Sold-to Business Partner

The business partner who orders goods or services from your organization, who owns the configurations you maintain, or for whom you perform a project. Usually a customer's purchase department.

The agreement with the sold-to business partner can include:

  • Default price and discount agreements
  • Sales order defaults
  • Delivery terms
  • The related ship-to and invoice-to business partner
Quotation Lines

The total number of quotation lines that are displayed, based on the General filter.


If a check mark is displayed, quotation lines that are ready for approval are displayed.

Click Approve to activate or deactivate this filter.


The count of the lines for the filter, which is displayed irrespective of the activation of the filter.


If a check mark is displayed, quotation lines that are ready to be printed are displayed.

Click Print to activate or deactivate this filter.

Expiry Date
Past Expiry

If a check mark is displayed, quotation lines that are expired are displayed.

Click Past Expiry to activate or deactivate this filter.

Expiry Today

If a check mark is displayed, quotation lines that will expire today are displayed.

Click Expiry Today to activate or deactivate this filter.

Expiry 1-7 Days

If a check mark is displayed, quotation lines that will expire within the next seven days are displayed.

Click Expiry 1-7 Days to activate or deactivate this filter.

Expiry Beyond 7 Days

If a check mark is displayed, quotation lines that will expire after the next seven days are displayed.

Click Expiry Beyond 7 Days to activate or deactivate this filter.

Win/Loss Ratio

This graph displays the win and lost ratio for the total number of quotation lines that are processed for the sold-to business partner. The graph is displayed when you select a quotation line.


Sold-to BP001
Number of processed lines10
Confirmed and converted lines7
Lost and canceled lines3
Win/Loss Ratio70% Won, 30% Lost