Sales Order Intake Workbench (tdsls4601m200)

Use this session to filter the sales order lines that require an internal sales representative's attention and to execute the appropriate actions on the lines. For example, order lines for which specific activities are yet to be executed, or lines with unconfirmed backorder quantities.


You can use these filters to display the appropriate selection of orders and order lines:

  • General
    By Sales Office, Internal Sales Representative, Sold-to Business Partner, Item, or by a combination of these fields.
  • Lines ready for
    By (next) activity to be executed.
  • Miscellaneous
    By unconfirmed backorders, or linked installments.
  • The check marks next to the filter options indicate the filters that are activated.
  • The count fields display the number of lines for the filter. This number is displayed irrespective of the activation of the filter.

The orders and order lines that match the activated filters are displayed on these tabs:


Sales Office

A department that is identified in the company business model to manage the business partner's sales relations. The sales office is used to identify the locations that are responsible for the organization's sales activities.

Internal Sales Representative

An employee of your company who maintains contact with the sold-to business partner. The employee number of the sales representative is also used as a sorting criterion in the sales statistics.

Sold-to Business Partner

The business partner who orders goods or services from your organization, who owns the configurations you maintain, or for whom you perform a project. Usually a customer's purchase department.

The agreement with the sold-to business partner can include:

  • Default price and discount agreements
  • Sales order defaults
  • Delivery terms
  • The related ship-to and invoice-to business partner

The raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, and sold.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or which exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not retained in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)
Order Lines

The total number of sales order lines that are displayed, based on the General filter.

Lines ready for

If a check mark is displayed, order lines that are ready for approval are displayed.

Click Approve to activate or deactivate this filter.


The count of the lines for the filter, which is displayed irrespective of the activation of the filter.

Print Acknowledgement

If a check mark is displayed, order lines that are ready for printing an order acknowledgment are displayed.

Click Print Acknowledgement to activate or deactivate this filter.

Release to Warehousing

If a check mark is displayed, order lines that are ready for releasing to Warehousing are displayed.

Click Release to Warehousing to activate or deactivate this filter.

Release to Invoicing

If a check mark is displayed, order lines that are ready for releasing to Invoicing are displayed.

Click Release to Invoicing to activate or deactivate this filter.

Generate Purchase Order

If a check mark is displayed, order lines that are ready for generating a purchase order are displayed.

Click Generate Purchase Order to activate or deactivate this filter.

Generate Purchase Order Advice

If a check mark is displayed, order lines that are ready for generating a purchase order advice are displayed.

Click Generate Purchase Order Advice to activate or deactivate this filter.

Generate (Project) Structure

If a check mark is displayed, order lines that are ready for generating a project structure or product structure are displayed.

Click Generate (Project) Structure to activate or deactivate this filter.

Generate Freight Orders

If a check mark is displayed, order lines that are ready for generating a freight order are displayed.

Click Generate Freight Orders to activate or deactivate this filter.

Generate Production Order

If a check mark is displayed, order lines that are ready for generating a production order are displayed.

Click Generate Production Order to activate or deactivate this filter.

Generate Inventory Commitment

If a check mark is displayed, order lines that are ready for generating an inventory commitment are displayed.

Click Generate Inventory Commitment to activate or deactivate this filter.

Calculate Standard Costs by Project (PCS)

If a check mark is displayed, order lines that are ready for calculating the standard cost of a project and its customized items are displayed.

Click Calculate Standard Costs by Project (PCS) to activate or deactivate this filter.

Release Manual Activities

If a check mark is displayed, order lines that are ready for releasing a manual activity are displayed.

Click Release Manual Activities to activate or deactivate this filter.

Confirm Back Orders

If a check mark is displayed, order lines that have yet to be confirmed backorders are displayed.

Click Confirm Backorders to activate or deactivate this filter.


If a check mark is displayed, order lines that have installments are displayed.

Click Installments to activate or deactivate this filter.

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This graph displays the profit percentage for the selected sales order line.

The calculation of the profit percentage is based on the value of the Base Price for Gross Profit Calculation parameter in the Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400) session.

Consequently, these formulas are used to calculate the profit percentage:

  • Sales Price
    Profit percentage = 100 * ((net price - standard cost) / net price)
  • Standard Cost
    Profit percentage = 100 * ((net price - standard cost) / standard cost)

If the profit percentage is more than zero, a green circle is displayed. If the percentage is zero, the circle is orange. If the percentage is lower than zero, a red circle is displayed.


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Clears the filters, so you can make a new selection.