Print Requests for Quotation (tdpur1401m000)

Use this session to print requests for quotations (RFQs).


After the RFQ is printed, it has the Sent status.


Include Printed RFQs

If this check box is selected, already printed requests for quotation (RFQs) are printed again.

If this check box is cleared, only the following RFQs are printed:

  • Not yet printed RFQs
  • Changed RFQs
Tax Text

If this check box is selected, tax code text is printed.

Default value

If the Print Tax Text parameter is Mandatory in the Procurement Parameters (tdpur0100m000) session, this check box is selected and disabled. If the parameter is Optional, this check box is selected and enabled.

RFQ Line Text

If this check box is selected, RFQ line text is printed.

Receipt Address per Line

If this check box is selected, receipt addresses are printed by RFQ line on the report.

If this check box is cleared, receipt addresses are printed by RFQ on the report.

Manufacturer Part Numbers

If this check box is selected, manufacturer part numbers (MPNs) are printed on the report.

Approved Manufacturer Part Numbers only

If this check box is selected, only the approved manufacturer part numbers (MPNs) are printed on the report.

Material Supply Information

If this check box is selected, material supply information is printed on the report.

Print to predefined Device

If this check box is selected, the report is printed on your default printer.

If this check box is cleared, the report is printed on an alternative, to be specified printer.

Additional Information

If this check box is selected, additional information of RFQ headers and RFQ responses, is printed as an appendix on a separate report.

Additional information of RFQ lines is not printed.


Specific RFQs

Starts the Enter Specific RFQs (tdpur1820s000) session in which you can select up to 10 RFQs to be printed.

Use the Enter Specific RFQs (tdpur1820s000) session if the RFQs that you want to print do not form a successive range.

Reset Selection

Deletes the selection you entered. You can make a new data selection.