Additional costs - shipment based

Shipment-based additional costs are calculated for sales shipments or shipment lines. After confirmation of a shipment (line), a sales cost order is generated based on the shipment (line). A sales cost order with the Shipment origin includes all additional costs for one shipment (line).


  • Multiple sales order lines and sales schedule lines can be linked to one shipment.
  • The sales shipment cost order and the order/schedule lines that are linked to a shipment, receive a common shipment ID. Based on this ID, a complete shipment can be invoiced to the customer. The relevant order/schedule lines and the sales shipment cost order can be released to invoicing together.

The shipment-based additional costs procedure includes these steps:

Step 1. Generating a sales shipment cost order

If an additional cost set with valid additional cost lines is found for a shipment (line), the shipment-dependent and item-dependent additional costs are added to the shipments as separate shipment lines in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session. The additional shipment cost lines are generated in Warehousing. When the shipment is confirmed, a sales order with the Shipment origin is generated in the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session.

The following apply to these sales orders:

  • The sales order type and order series are retrieved from the Shipment Cost Order Type and Shipment Cost Order Series fields in the Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400) session.
  • The Shipment field is automatically filled for these orders in the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session.
  • Only cost and service items can appear on this sales order.
  • The Additional Cost Line check box is selected for the generated sales order lines.
  • The additional cost amount is displayed in the Amount field and the Price field is empty on the sales order line. The Amount can be changed until the activity Sales Deliveries (tdsls4101m200) is executed. After this, the delivered amount can be changed in the Change Prices and Discounts after Delivery (tdsls4122m000) or Change Prices and Discounts of Sales Invoice Lines (tdsls4132m000) sessions.
Step 2. Approving the sales shipment cost order

The Automatic Approve Shipment based Cost Orders check box in the Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400) session determines how the sales shipment cost order must be approved.

Step 3. Issuing the additional cost line items

Based on the value of the Release to Warehousing check box in the Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000) session, issuing the cost item is carried out in Warehousing or in Sales.

Therefore, either the Release Sales Orders to Warehousing (tdsls4246m000) or the Sales Deliveries (tdsls4101m200) activity must be executed for the sales order line.

If Sales Deliveries (tdsls4101m200) is not executed before Release Sales Orders/Schedules to Invoicing (tdsls4247m000), the activity is set to Executed during execution of the Release Sales Orders/Schedules to Invoicing (tdsls4247m000) session. Therefore, it is not mandatory to execute Sales Deliveries (tdsls4101m200).

Step 4. Releasing the sales shipment cost order to Invoicing

The sales shipment cost order and the order/schedule lines that are linked to a shipment have a common shipment ID. Based on this ID, you can invoice a complete shipment to the customer. If you select the Shipment check box in the Release Sales Orders/Schedules to Invoicing (tdsls4247m000) session, the sales shipment cost order and the order/schedule lines that are linked to the shipment, are released to Invoicing together.

The Release Additional Cost Lines automatically to Invoicing upon field in the Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400) session determines how the sales shipment cost order must be released to Invoicing.

You can view the shipment IDs in these sessions:

  • Sales shipment cost order
    Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000)
  • Sales shipment cost order lines
    Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s200)
  • Sales order lines
    Sales Order Actual Delivery Lines (tdsls4106m000)
  • Sales schedule lines
    Sales Schedule Actual Delivery Lines (tdsls3140m000)
Step 5. Processing the additional cost lines

Process the sales orders and sales schedules together with the additional cost lines in the Process Delivered Sales Orders (tdsls4223m000) and Process Delivered Sales Schedules (tdsls3223m000) sessions.

Additional cost calculation for shipments/shipment lines

The calculation of additional costs for shipments/shipment lines is based on the value of the Calculation Method field in the Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000) session. For the shipments, the Calculation Method must be Header Based; for the shipment lines, it must be Line Based.

The additional costs are calculated for sales orders and sales schedules if the Calculate Additional Costs for Shipments check box is selected in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session.

  • Sales orders
    The additional costs are calculated with the cost set of the business partner (and/or item).
  • If the Calculation Method is Header Based in the Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000) session, the additional cost lines are based on totals per shipment and the link to the originating shipment line is not saved.
  • If the Calculation Method is Line Based, the additional costs are calculated for every originating order line and the link to the originating shipment line is saved.
  • Sales schedules
    The Header Based additional costs are calculated with the cost set of the business partner (and/or item). The additional cost lines are based on the totals per shipment and the link to the originating shipment is not saved.
  • The Line Based additional costs are calculated for the cost set of the contract. This calculation is always independent of the Calculation Method. The generated additional cost lines are linked to the originating order line. The quantities of all the shipment lines can be added before the costs are calculated. This is applicable for serials in inventory that have multiple shipment lines per order line.

In the Print Packing Slips (whinh4475m000) and Print Delivery Notes (whinh4477m000) sessions, the header based additional costs are printed first. The line based additional costs are printed below the linked shipment line.

  • For confirmed shipment lines, the additional costs are recalculated if the status of the additional cost line is Not Calculated. If the status is Modified, LN checks if you want to recalculate additional costs or skip the recalculation. After the additional costs are recalculated, the Additional Costs field in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session is set to Calculated.
  • When you compose a shipment in the Compose Shipment (whinh4231m000) session, the related additional cost lines must be processed for the selected options.

    If, on the appropriate menu, you click:

    • Split Line, the status of the originating shipment line is reset to Modified and the additional cost lines are removed. While confirming the originating line, the additional costs are recalculated.
    • Move to Shipment, the additional costs of the originating shipment line are moved to the new shipment line.