Synchronizing purchase order line and line detailsA purchase order line can have linked line details or backorder lines. A line detail can also have linked back order lines. The purchase order line includes the aggregated information of the line details/backorder lines. Changed fields on the purchase order line are synchronized with the line details and vice versa. A purchase order line with line details is also referred to as a Total line. Updating line details from the total line If you change the following fields on the Total line in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session, the change is copied to the linked line detail(s) in the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200) session:
Updating price and discounts after receipt After an order line or a line detail is received, you cannot update the price or discount for the Total line in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session. For a Total line or a line detail with at least one receipt, you can update the price in the Change Price and Discounts after Receipt (tdpur4122m000) session. LN copies the new prices and discounts to all linked line details that are not yet processed and/or matched/approved in Financials. Updating price and discounts after
consumption For consumed order lines, you can update prices or discounts in the Change Price and Discounts after Receipt (tdpur4122m000) session and the Change Price and Discounts of Purchase Payable Receipts (tdpur4132m000) session. For more information, refer to Changing prices or discounts after receipt or consumption. Example
Now the price on the Total line is changed from 8 to 10:
The new price of the Total line is copied to all linked sequences that are not yet matched in Financials, nor processed. The order amount on the Total line is the sum of the order amounts of the Detail lines. To prevent double counting, the order amount of the Backorder lines is excluded. Updating the total line from the line details When you add, update, cancel, or delete a line detail in the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200) session, LN updates the quantity and amount fields on the Total line, which include the sum of the quantities/amounts of the linked line details. These quantity and amount fields are synchronized:
When you modify the order quantity, prices and discounts are recalculated automatically. LN only recalculates the price and discounts if you did not manually enter the existing price and discounts. When a new price and/or discount is retrieved for the Total line, LN:
Now the order quantity of Detail line 3 is changed from 10 to 12, and the price is changed from 8 to 10:
For the Detail line that has a new order quantity, the order amount is recalculated. The order quantity on the Total line is the sum of the order quantities of the Detail lines. Because the price and discounts were not entered manually, the price and discounts on the Total line are recalculated based on the price and the new order quantity. The new prices and discounts are copied to the linked sequences. For each Detail line and Backorder line, the order amount is recalculated and the Total line is updated with the sum of the order amounts of the Detail lines. Updating backorder lines from the original
line For a Total line, a Detail line, or a Backorder line, you can change the price and discounts (after receipt). When a line already has one or more linked Backorder lines, LN copies the new price and discounts to these lines. Example
Now the price on the Detail line is changed from 8 to 10:
The new price also applies to all linked sequences that can be modified. Now, instead of the price on the Detail line, the price for sequence number 1 is changed:
The new price applies to all sequences that are linked to sequence 1 (the sequences with parent sequence 1 and its children). LN does not change the parent line of sequence 1.
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