Push schedulesA push schedule is a nonreferenced schedule that can either be generated by a planning system, or created manually. In both cases, the same procedure is followed. For push schedules, the following steps must be completed: Step 1. Generating a schedule header and lines Create/generate a schedule header in the Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m000) session, and schedule lines in the Purchase Schedule Lines (tdpur3111m000) session. LN generates a new schedule only if Enterprise Planning does not find an existing push schedule for a combination of item, warehouse, buy-from business partner, ship-from business partner, and purchase office. Before a pull forecast schedule can be automatically generated by Enterprise Planning, the following information is exchanged between Enterprise Planning and Purchase Control:
When generating a push schedule in the Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m000) session, a blanket warehousing order is created immediately. You can view blanket warehousing orders in the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session. Step 2. Regenerating schedule lines Regenerate schedule lines in the Regenerate Schedules (tdpur3211m000) session. For push schedules, schedule line regeneration serves the following purposes:
For more information on using segment sets when regenerating purchase schedule lines, refer to Using segment sets. Step 3. Generating a purchase release (line) Use the Generate Release Lines (tdpur3222m000) session to perform the following actions for Material Release and/or Shipping Schedule:
Step 4. Approving the purchase release line Approve the purchase release line in the Approve Release Lines (tdpur3222m100) session. Step 5. Printing the purchase release Print the purchase release in the Print Purchase Releases (tdpur3422m000) session. If the Communication Channel field is EDI in the Purchase Contract Line Logistic Data (tdpur3102m000) and Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) sessions and the Release EDI Message Directly check box is also selected in these sessions, you need not print the purchase release in the Print Purchase Releases (tdpur3422m000) session. LN automatically prints the purchase release. Step 6. Inserting authorizations Authorizations are inserted in the FAB/RAW Authorizations (tdpur3534m000) session. For more information, refer to Purchase schedule authorizations. Step 7. Inserting receipt details Receipt details are inserted in the Purchase Schedule - Receipts (tdpur3115m200) session. For more information on receiving and inspecting scheduled items, refer to: Step 8. Inserting cumulatives Cumulatives (CUMS) are inserted in the following sessions: For more information, refer to Purchase schedule cumulatives. Step 9. Resetting the cumulatives and authorizations Reset the cumulatives and authorizations in the Reset Cumulatives (tdpur3230m000) or Reset Cumulatives by Contract Total Line (tdpur3230m100) sessions. For more information, refer to Resetting purchase schedule cumulatives and Resetting authorizations. Step 10. Updating history and turnover data Update purchase schedule history and turnover data in the Process Delivered Purchase Schedules (tdpur3223m000) session. As a result, the status of the schedule lines is changed to Processed. In the Archive and Delete Purchase Schedules (tdpur3224m000) session, you can delete the processed purchase schedule lines. Note You can use the Purchase Schedules (tdpur3610m100) session to filter the purchase schedules that require attention and to execute the appropriate actions on the schedule lines. For example, schedule lines that are almost due and are yet to be received, or lines whose due date ( planned receipt date) has passed.
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