Sales quotations

Sales quotations are used to supply a sold-to business partner with the required details to make a purchasing decision.

You can create a sales quotation in response to a request for quotation (RFQ) from a business partner, or as a sales tool to initiate the sales process with potential business partners. A quotation includes the dates, terms, items, or item descriptions to be sold, and a success percentage, which reflects the level of certainty that the quotation will be accepted. Sales quotations are included in the planning modules based on their success percentages. Quotations with a high success percentage are considered as sold.

You can print and send quotations to business partners. You can specify the results of the returned quotations in Sales. If the quotation is not accepted, you can specify the reason for failure and the competitor who won the quote. If the business partner accepts the quotation, you can transfer the quotation to a sales order and specify the reason for success.


You cannot convert sales quotation lines with an empty item code to a sales order.

Sales quotation master data

Before you can use the sales quotation procedure, you must specify these parameters and master data:

  1. Select the Quotations check box in the Sales Parameters (tdsls0100s000) session.
  2. Specify the sales quotation parameters in the Sales Quotation Parameters (tdsls0100s100) session.
  3. Use the Competitors (tdsls1106m000) session to define and track competitors through the sales quotation procedure. If a quotation line is not successful, you can indicate the competitor who won the order.
  4. To improve quotation success percentages, it is essential to record the reasons for acceptance or rejection of quotations. The reasons for success or failure, as specified in the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session, enable you to understand the strengths and weaknesses of quotations. For each quotation line, you can indicate the reason for success or failure.
Sales quotation procedure

The sales quotation procedure includes steps such as creating, printing, specifying quotation results, processing, and submitting sales quotations.

For more information, refer to Sales quotation procedure.

Sales quotation additional processes

A number of processes do not always occur in the sales quotation procedure, but can be applicable in specific situations.

For more information, refer to Sales quotations - additional processes.