Requisition Status

  • Created

    The purchase requisition is created by the requester and is ready to be submitted for approval.

  • Pending Approval

    The requisition is ready to be approved by a valid approving department or a valid approver. The approver or the approving department must be a valid employee or a valid department on the approver list. The approver can also reject the requisition if, for example, modifications are required.

  • Approved

    The requisition is approved and ready to be converted to a request-for-quotation or a purchase order.

    The approver list determines how many approvers must approve the requisition. Only approver departments that are purchase offices and individual approvers from the purchase office are allowed to perform final approval on a purchase requisition.

  • In Process

    Some, but not all lines of the requisition are converted to a request-for-quotation (RFQ) or a purchase order in the Convert Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2201m000) session.

  • Processed

    All lines of the requisition are converted to a request-for-quotation (RFQ) or a purchase order in the Convert Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2201m000) session. A processed requisition can be deleted.

  • Deleted

    After a requisition is deleted from the active file, the requisition is automatically posted to history with the status Deleted. The requisition can only be deleted if the current status is Processed or Canceled.

  • Rejected

    If an approver or approving department disapproves a purchase requisition, it can be rejected. A purchase requisition can be rejected if it has the status Pending Approval.

  • Modified

    A requester can modify a requisition with the status Approved, Rejected, or In Process. To change a requisition to Modified, change any header or line and save the change. Next, the modified requisition must be resubmitted for approval.

  • Canceled

    A requisition with the Created, Modified, or Rejected status can be canceled by the requester. A canceled requisition cannot be changed.