Additional Cost Type

  • Amount

    The sales (shipment) cost order line amount is equal to the retrieved price for the additional cost item.

  • Amount per Unit

    The retrieved price for the additional cost item is multiplied with the sum of the quantities of all shipment/order lines of a shipment/order, expressed in the inventory unit of the item on the shipment/order line. This calculated amount is the sales (shipment) cost order line amount.

    For item dependent costs, the retrieved price for the additional cost item is multiplied with the quantitiy of a specific shipment line, expressed in the inventory unit of the item on the shipment line.

  • Percentage

    When searching the price book for the additional cost item, only price book lines with a percentage are taken into account. Based on the retrieved percentage for the additional cost item, an amount is calculated from the total net amount of all shipment/order lines of a shipment/order. This calculated amount is the sales (shipment) cost order line amount.

    For item dependent costs, based on the retrieved percentage for the additional cost item, an amount is calculated from the net amount of a specific shipment line.