Commissions Paid to Employees by Relation (tdcms1151m000)

Use this session to:


You can print a list of (partially) unpaid commissions in the Print Commissions Paid to Employees (tdcms4451m000) session. Then, the payroll department processes the commission payments and enters the amounts that have been paid on the list. This list of commission payments to employees is used by the administrator to enter the paid amounts in this session or in the Commissions Paid to Employees by Order (tdcms0151m000) session.

On the appropriate menu you can click:



The number that identifies a relation.

Sales Order

The number that identifies the sales order.


The position number that identifies an order line.


The number of the sales order delivery line.

Actual Delivery Line Sequence Number

The number of the sales order actual delivery line.


This field reads zero if the Calculation Method is set to Sales Order in the Relations (tdcms0110s000) session.

Invoice Line

The number of the sales order invoice line.


This field reads zero if the Calculation Method is set to Sales Order in the Relations (tdcms0110s000) session.

Serial Number

The number that identifies the commission.

Payment Number

The number that identifies the commission payment. Multiple payments can be entered for the same order and the same relation.


The default payment number is 1. Depending on the value of the Generating Payments field in the Commissions/Rebates Parameters session, a default payment number for a payment line is generated in one of the following sessions:

Reservation Date

The date on which the commission was reserved in LN.

Amount in Order Currency

The commission amount, expressed in the order currency.

Order Currency

The currency that is used on and defaulted from the order.

Amount in Invoice Currency
Invoice Currency

The currency in which the invoice amount is expressed.

Default value

The invoice currency is defaulted from the relation. However, you can manually change this currency.

Commission Amount in Home Currencies
Paid Amount

The commission that has actually been paid to the employee.


One of a company's base currencies in which LN registers and reports amounts.

In a multicurrency system, up to three home currencies can be defined:

Related topics

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year in which the payment of the commission took place. The fiscal year together with the period, defines the fiscal period.

Fiscal Period

The period number of the year in which the commission is paid to the employee.

Relation Sequence

The sequence number of the commission that is linked to the relation in the Sales Order - Relations (tdcms0140m000) or Sales Order Line - Relations (tdcms0141m000) session.