Generating other Manufacturing master data by site


To add a site to a production model and a product, LN completes these steps:

  1. Check if the work cell, repair cell, receiving warehouse, and quarantine warehouse related to the production model have the same site. If no, a site is not added to the production model and the process continues checking the next production model. See note.

  2. Assign the site of the production model’s work cell to the production model in the Production Models (tirpt2100m000) session.
  3. Add a site to the production model's item in the Items by Site (tcibd1550m000) and Item - Production by Site (tiipd0151m000) sessions, if not yet added during the Generating Manufacturing item data by site process step.
  4. Add the site of the production model to the product in the Products (tirpt2130m000) session.
  5. Repeat these steps for the other product models and products present in the multicompany environment.

To add a site to a subcontracting model and a subcontracting bill of material (BOM), LN completes these steps:

  1. Check if the warehouses of the materials related to the subcontracting model have the same site.

    If no, a site is not added and the process continues checking the next subcontracting model. See note.

  2. Add the site of the warehouses to the subcontracting model in the Subcontracting Models (tisub1100m000) session.
  3. Add the site of the subcontracting model to the subcontracting bill of material (BOM) in the Subcontracting Bill of Material (tisub1110m000) session.

If a site cannot be added, an error is listed on the report. You must manually adjust the sites of the related warehouses.

Next, you must add the correct site to the production or subcontracting model either manually or by rerunning the process by selecting the For Production check box and clicking Generate in the Generate Master Data (tccom0231m000) session.

To add a site to a tool number and a toolkit, LN completes these steps:

  1. Assign site of the warehouse related to the tool number to the tool number in the Tool Numbers (titrp0102m000) session.
  2. Check if the tool numbers of the toolkit relate to the same site. If no, a site is not added to the toolkit and you must manually adjust the sites of the tool numbers and add a site to the toolkit either manually or by rerunning the process.
  3. Assign the site of the tool numbers of the toolkit to the toolkit in the Tool Kits (titrp0103m000) session.