Generating Manufacturing item data by site

After selecting the From Production check box and clicking Generate in the Generate Master Data (tccom0231m000) session, LN generates Manufacturing item data by site in the Item - Production by Site (tiipd0151m000) session.


If an item is used for production in multiple sites, the Use for Job Shop check box is selected for only one of these sites. This is the first record that is generated. The reason is, because an item has only one bill of material (BOM). If production settings for multiple sites are present for an item, only one site-level item production record is allowed for the BOM.

The data is retrieved from:

  • The Items (tcibd0501m000) session
  • The Item - Production (tiipd0101m000) session
  • The Item - Production Defaults (tiipd0102m000) session, if default data have been specified.
  • The value in the Site field is retrieved from the warehouse or the work center listed in these sessions:

    • Bill of Material (tibom1110m000)
    • Generic BOMs (tipcf3110m000)
    • Production Orders (tisfc0501m000)
    • Production Schedules (tirpt4101m000)
    • Production Schedule Lines (tirpt4102m000)
    • Routing Operations (tirou1102m000). Sites are not retrieved from subcontracting work centers.