Activate sites - Enterprise model in preparation

The first stage of the site activation process comprises adding sites to the enterprise model. This stage includes these steps:

Step 1. 

In any of the logistic companies of the current company environment, click Enterprise Model in Preparation on the Sites tab in the Multisite Concepts Activation (tcemm4600m000) workbench session.

Consequently, the status changes from Inactive to Enterprise Model in Preparation for the companies of the current company environment defined in the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session.


Step 2. 

Close and reopen LN. Consequently, the Sites (tcemm0150m000) and Site (tcemm0650m000) sessions become available.

Step 3. 

Define sites using the Sites (tcemm0150m000) and Site (tcemm0650m000) sessions. In the Sites (tcemm0150m000) session, click New to define a new site.

In the Site (tcemm0650m000) session that opens, specify:

Step 4. 

In the Settings tab of the Site (tcemm0650m000) session, define subentity settings by site.

When you start these sessions, default settings are generated from the company parameters related to the subentities. For example, if you click Warehousing, the Warehousing Settings by Site (whwmd2101m000) session opens and warehousing settings from various warehousing parameter sessions are defaulted to this session. You can change the default settings if required.

Defining subentity settings by site is a prerequisite to assign sites to entities, see next step. For example, you cannot link a site to a production department if production settings by site are not present. More information is provided in the Online Help of the settings by site sessions.

Step 5. 

In the Assign Sites (tcemm0250m000) session, assign sites to entities. Select the sites to be assigned and the types of entities to which the selected sites must be assigned. You can run this session multiple times, each time using different address attributes as criteria.

Note: Sites cannot be assigned to financial warehouses.

It is recommended to run this session in simulation mode and print an error report before running the actual assignment process. This helps you to verify the results and identify errors in the site assignment process. You can repeat the simulation run to correct errors as often as needed.

After running the actual assignment process, you can still change the assigned sites.

Step 6. 

Verify the results of the site assignment process. You must manually assign sites to entities for which the assignment process was unsuccessful. Repeat the assignment process and verify the results until all entities are assigned as required.

To manually assign sites to entities, from the relevant tabs in the Enterprise Unit (tcemm0630m000) or the Site (tcemm0650m000) session you can start these sessions:

Work centerWork Centers (tirou0101m000)
Line stationStations (tiasl1545m000)
Work cellsWork Cells (tirpt0140m000)
Repair cellsRepair Cells (tirpt0140m100)
Production departmentProduction Departments (tirou2100m000)

When a site is assigned to a production department during the site assignment process, the site is automatically passed on to the shop floor components related to the production department.

The shop floor components include:


If a site was not assigned to a production department, or if a site was not assigned to the related shop floor component, you must assign the site manually:

  1. Open the Production Departments (tirou2100m000) session.
  2. For each production department, specify a site (if not present) and click Pass the Site in the Production Department (tirou2600m000) session.
Sales officeSales Offices (tdsls0512m000)
Purchase officePurchase Offices (tdpur0112m000)
Service officeService Offices (tsmdm1100m100)
Accounting officeDepartments (tcmcs0165s000)
Shipping officeShipping Office (fmfmd0680m000)
Assembly linesAssembly Lines (tiasl1530m000)
WarehousesWarehouses (whwmd2500m000)
Service locationsLocations (tswcs0125m000)


Step 7. 

If machines not related to work centers are present, manually link these machines to sites using the Machines (tirou0102m000) session.

Step 8. 

In the Generate Master Data by Office (tccom0232m000) session, define default data by office. The default data by office are created based on the global default data.

Global default data are settings from sales, procurement, and service parameter sessions that are defaulted to sales offices, purchase offices, and service offices, respectively. These default settings can be changed for individual sales offices, purchase offices or service offices after you clear the Use Global check box in these sessions:

OfficeSessionUse Global
Sales officeSales Offices (tdsls0512m000)Use Global Sales Parameters
Purchase officePurchase Offices (tdpur0112m000)Use Global Procurement Parameters
Service officeService Offices (tsmdm1100m100)Use Global Service Parameters


Step 9. 

Use the Validate Enterprise Model for Multisite (tccom0230m000) session to validate the enterprise model defined in the previous steps.

The error report lists, for example, the warehouses, offices or other department without sites, or shop floor elements whose sites are different from the sites of the related shop floor warehouses. The complete list of checks used in this validation is displayed in the report if the Validation Information check box is selected.

Repeat the validation until no more errors are listed.