Activating item type Product for multisite

Item Type Product is one of the multisite concepts that must be activated to enable the functionality for multisite. Activating this concept entails converting and merging the item types Purchased and Manufactured into the item type Product.

Before you can use the item type Product, the value of the Item Type Product must be Active in the Multisite Concepts Activation (tcemm4600m000) workbench session. If this parameter is Active, the item type Product replaces the item types Purchased and Manufactured, which are no longer available.

To change the status from Inactive to Active, complete these steps:

Step 1. In Preparation

Click In Preparation in the Item Type Product tab in the Multisite Concepts Activation (tcemm4600m000) workbench session. Consequently, the status changes from Inactive to In Preparation for each company of the current multicompany environment.

Step 2. Print Item Defaults used for Product

To verify if item defaults are used to create new items, use the Print Item Defaults used for Product (tcibd0402m100) session. The report displays, by item group, the item defaults that are available for the item types Purchased and Manufactured. You can also identify the item groups that do not have item defaults for Product items.

Step 3. Copy Defaults to Product

If item defaults are used to create new items, specify the item defaults for the Product item type and related item group.

In the Copy Defaults to Product (tcibd0207m100) session, you can copy the default item data for a combination of item group and Purchased or Manufactured item type to defaults for Product. The default item data also includes the sub-entity defaults, such as item sales defaults.

To start this session for specific item defaults, select a record in the Item Defaults (tcibd0102m000) session and click Copy Defaults to Product on the appropriate menu.

Step 4. (optional) Reassign Item Group

If an item group includes both Purchased and Manufactured items, and you want to retain the differences between these variants, you can assign the Purchased and Manufactured items to separate item groups.

  1. Copy an existing item group to a new item group, including the related master data, in the Copy Item Group (tcmcs0223m000) session.
  2. Assign the Purchased and Manufactured items to separate item groups in the Reassign Item Group (tcibd0201m000) session.

To start the Reassign Item Group (tcibd0201m000) session for a specific item, select the item in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session and click Reassign Item Group on the appropriate menu.

Step 5. Activate

To actually upgrade the item types Purchased and Manufactured to Product and to remove the item defaults for Purchased and Manufactured items, click Activate in the Item Type Product tab in the Multisite Concepts Activation (tcemm4600m000) workbench session.

Consequently, the Item Type Product parameter is set to Active.

Note: The sessions of the multicompany environment are unavailable for end users during the execution of this step.